My Want List

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This topic contains 1,236 replies, has 138 voices, and was last updated by  UNITED3000 14 hours, 11 minutes ago.

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  • #858305

    Key Master
    1. #2449901


      Hi, friends! I’m looking for a few dispenser foods (one each) to add to my collection. I can send food or 25KC coins in return. Please let me know. I’m momssanitytime. TIA! Acacia cookie
      Cute valentine S’more bites
      Dandelion floral pop
      Holiday cake mini
      Old fashion soda
      Rocket ice pop
      Vanilla chews candy
      Wacky snowball truffle
      Wacky clover cookie
      Wacky bunny cookie

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    2. #2449889

      anyone have 1 of the turquoise cozy arm chairs from the tween theme they don’t need? I am looking for 1 to complete my room. I have the cozy chaise from the same set to trade for it. LMK and thanks :) chicklet711

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      • #2450039


        Please send a FR to momssanitytime- I have an extra cozy chair to send. Nothing needed in return.

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    3. #2441953


      Hello, I am trying to complete my winterfest prizes from previous years. If you get an extra on any of these I would love to trade. 1. Light-up Snowman, 2. Polar Plunge Poster, 3. Red Team Snow Suit, 5. Sweet and Salty Popcorn String, 6. Whimsical Winter Candle, 7. White Felt Wreath, 8. Winter Knit Hoody, 9. Winter Wonderland Painting, 10. Wonderful Winter Window. Thank you! BluRayne

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      • #2442071

        Hey BluRayne! I’ll double check what I have & send you my spares =) Hugs, Alex

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      • #2442183


        Hi@Blurayne, I can send you 2 of the windows and the poster. Let me know what you still need so I can be on the look out. Nate4555

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      • #2448823


        Hello still looking for kinzcash tiles and kinzcash machine from family score and gemsters and birthstone wigs top hats bows wardrobes and nefertiti’s headdress nefertiti’s robes

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      • #2450787

        I just sent you a red snowsuit, whimsical winter candle and light up snowman. Enjoy :) chicklet711

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    4. #2438107


      Looking for an extra Sunny wardrobe if anyone has a spare. I have an extra Sunny bed for trade. Nate4555

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      • #2450791

        I have 1 and I just sent it your way. I don’t need the bed for it. Enjoy :) chicklet711

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    5. #2437419


      Holiday Cracker items I am looking for are Milk & Cookies Pajamas and Pure Elegance shoes. Can trade Ice Rose Dress, Minty Pig slippers, Pure elegance hair bow, starlight prince boots, minty pig hat, or pathchwork holiday dress. Thanks, Nate4555

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      • #2438481


        @Nate4555…If you still need the Pure Elegance shoes then I have a pair for you. I am interested in the Ice Rose Dress. Let me know…Thanks! >bananasbw :D

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        • #2438595


          Hi@bananasbw, thanks for the offer to trade. I was gifted the Pure Elegance shoes but would be happy to send you the Ice Rose Dress. Nothing needed in return. Enjoy, Nate4555

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          • #2438637


            @Nate4555…This was my response when I read your message…”wait wait wait, I have to give you something” LOL Thank you very much, you made my day! And I’m still going to send you a little something :D

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