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February 24, 2014 at 2:26 pm #858305
July 22, 2022 at 1:26 pm #2474005
THANK YOU to my dear friend who sent me the Baby Buttercup Plants and the Lollipop Seeds. I absolutely love them both and can’t wait to harvest my lollipops!! I am so touched that you would so this for me!! I do hope you will respond or send me a note that isn’t normally used in kinzpost. This way I will think of you when I harvest my lollipop and when I see my beautiful baby buttercups. Sending lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 25, 2022 at 11:07 am #2474289
You’re so welcome, Ultra…Since those items were on your list but couldn’t be KinzPosted, just wanted to make sure you received some, so enjoy! And since this won’t post until Monday, hope you had a terrific weekend, my dear friend! Lots of Love and Hugs Back, Roxy <3
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July 26, 2022 at 9:33 am #2474405
@roxy616 THANK YOU my dear sweet friend!! I am definitely enjoying them, Every single day as my pets walk by the plants and harvest their lollipops!! We are very grateful! I had a very nice weekend and I hope you did as well! Thank you for absolutely everything!! Lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473925
@grandma001 I am so incredibly touched by all your help! Your words on the previous page keep playing over in my head, “you brighten my day, what more can I ask for” is one of the sweetest things anyone has ever said to me! And you my friend have definitely brightened my summer!!! I cannot thank you enough for all you have done for me! I can’t wait until I can help you with something you want/need!! Have a wonderful weekend! Sending lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 22, 2022 at 4:01 pm #2474239
@grandma001 WOW!!! Thank you so incredibly much for the trading card condo tv, donut plant seed (I LOVE seeds) and the super stunt unicycle (I think it will go great in my Circus room). I plan to submit my room designs so you can see how I used your generous gifts!! I hope you have the best weekend ever! Lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 21, 2022 at 4:55 pm #2473901
Thank you so much for letting me know you have those four TC Condo pieces, @Grandma001 (Dining Table, Flooring, Pedestal, and TV)…Glad I saw your note in time! According to her post above, Ultra also still needs the Coffee Table, Dining Chairs (2-4), Stove, Sofa, and Toy Box. I haven’t had any luck in tracking those down, so just thought I’d mention those in case you or anyone else out there may have extras. Please let me know if there’s anything you need, and have a wonderful rest of the week! Lots of Love and Hugs, Roxy <3
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473923
@roxy616 @grandma001 I forgot the TV in my list. I’m hoping one of you might have it. If not, that’s ok, because I’m so grateful for all the pieces I do have for my room! I’m curious, what were the trading cards and how did they work? I hope you both have a wonderful weekend! Lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 22, 2022 at 2:00 pm #2474115
@Ultrasonic3 – I’ll try to get on my account in a little bit and send the TV.
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July 22, 2022 at 2:00 pm #2474121
Hi Ultra! I kind of lost track of what you still needed. I know Grandma001 and Roxy covered most of your wish list but I did find the Trading Card Condo sofa and toy chest if you still need it, Just let me know. I have a feeling from trying to read the post that you probably have all the pieces now:) Have a great weekend and fun decorating with all your new goodies:) Hugs Frankie
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July 22, 2022 at 2:38 pm #2474225
@Frankie98 – I think this is what is left from @Ultrasonic3 last list.
Football Grill,
Moonberry Bath,
Lunar Moon Bed,
Neogothic Piano
Dignified Draped Window (signature exclusive),
Signature couch (signature exclusive)You must be logged in to reply to this topic.-
July 25, 2022 at 11:07 am #2474273
Thank you, Grandma001 for the Ultra wish list update,:) Unfortunately I can’t help with any of those last few items on the list:/ You are so incredibly generous and kind to help Ultra with her items. Let me know if you are looking for anything I can help you with. Have a wonderful weekend. Hugs Frankie98
July 26, 2022 at 9:33 am #2474399
Hi @ultrasonic3, What items are still on your want list? I have Trading Card Condo Coffee Table, Trading Card Condo Oven (there is no stove), Trading Card Condo Toy Box, and Moonberry Bath. Stay as cool as possible today. AuntietoEW
July 26, 2022 at 9:33 am #2474397
Hi @ultrasonic3. The Trading Cards were an item you could buy in a gift shop. The cards were random. There would be physical cards that could be used to play a traditional card game. If you collected all of the cards in a set, there were extra rare prizes to win. There were codes to enter on Webkinz to give prizes (i.e. furniture, objects, and clothing). Many years ago, the Parents Club site had trading card prizes to win. Some prizes have been available on wheels in Webkinz World. I hope that helps. AuntietoEW
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July 21, 2022 at 4:54 pm #2473873
Hello, my Fellow Webkinz Players! I am farout1 (alucard here on Webkinz Newz). I am looking for some clothing items from the ZODIAC CLOTHING SETS. I am trying to complete the whole sets. I am looking for the following: AIR: 4 pair of Shoes, EARTH: 1 pair of Shoes: FIRE: 1 Top, 1 pair of Shoes, 2 Hats, and WATER: 2 pair of Bottoms (pants), 2 pair of Shoes, 3 Tops, and 3 Hats. I absolutely love this set of clothing and would really love to find the ones I’m missing. I’ve been waiting for Webkinz to bring this items back for a long time! :-( If anyone can help me, I have a lot of Halloween Clothing items that I could trade with you. I can also make Daisy Diner items for you and send them, also some Cookbooks Vol. 1 thru 3 items. You can also let me know if you have a certain item or items that you are looking for. If we are not already Webkinz Friends, then please send me a Friend Request (PLEASE be sure to post your Webkinz Name here on this post so I will know it’s you that has sent me
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473919
@alucard – Not sure which items I have until I get a chance to check a couple of accounts but I know I have some of them. I’ll send requests from Grandma001 and tradingspaces.
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July 22, 2022 at 9:39 am #2473937
Hi, @alucard Checking my items any extras that I have will be happy to send to you. We are already friends. ~ shelkinz67
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July 22, 2022 at 2:38 pm #2474221
@alucard Hi, hope all is well. I did send I pair Zodiac Earth Shoes and Zodiac Fire Hat. I will check my other accounts to see if I have any more extras. Nothing needed in return happy to help a friend, thank you note is enough so I know you received the package. Have a great weekend. ~ shelkinz67
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July 22, 2022 at 9:39 am #2473941
@alucard. Hey hey my friend glad to see you here. ;). It’s me beanie aunty,cousin, uncle. I’ll see what I can find for you. These have been around several times and have been showing up as a PJ hourly special. Nothing is needed in return. :)
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July 26, 2022 at 9:33 am #2474393
@alucard…a little birdie mentioned to me you were looking for some items :D Sending a pair of Earth shoes & a Fire top & shoes. After checking my inventory, I realized I’m short on a few items too. Nothing needed in return as I am glad to unload some of this stuff. Your friend, bananasbw
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July 21, 2022 at 11:43 am #2473851
@grandma001 I just wanted to say how incredibly grateful I am for all your help with my wish list! I am so geeked to find that the telescope is interactive!!!!!!!!!!! I would love to have the Rainbow Shower for my rainbow room!! THANK YOU!!!! @roxy616 I would love to have the Happy Halloween Sofa and Webkinz Newz Makeup Table THANK YOU!!!! For the Trading Card Condo theme I still need the Coffee Table, Dining Table and Chairs (2-4), Flooring, Stove, Sofa, ToyBox and Pedestal. I know you don’t have all but I thought I would go ahead and list them. I’m so happy this summer and hope some of my rooms are featured! Sending lots of love and hugs to you both, Ultra
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473915
Oh @Ultrasonic3, Didn’t I tell you not to underestimate a WW hoarder?
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473921
Since I can’t see my comment above, I hope I am attaching this to the correct comment. I wanted you to know that I was laughing as I typed the comment about underestimating a WW hoarder. I hope that didn’t come across the wrong way. I sure didn’t intend it to be negative. I’ve enjoyed being able to share with you!
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July 22, 2022 at 1:26 pm #2474007
@grandma001 I definitely did not take your comment in a negative way! I’m so grateful you had all these gems you had tucked away! You definitely made me extremely happy! THANK YOU again for everything! Lots of love and hugs, Ultra
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July 22, 2022 at 9:38 am #2473917
You didn’t list the TV but Roxy had that on the list of things she thought you needed. Was that an oversight or did you get it already?
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July 22, 2022 at 1:26 pm #2474009
@grandma001 a complete and utter oversight! I would be ever so grateful if you still have an extra for me! Thank you for being so amazing!! Have a wonderful weekend! Love and hugs, Ultra
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