My Want List

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  • #858305

    Key Master
    1. #2573392


      Thank you so much everyone who has sent me kinzpost letters over the weekend! ^.^ They made me smile! Hugs to all! ~Bekah ♡

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    2. #2573356


      Dear Frankie, Thank you so much for your sweet message on page 127 ^.^ ♡ I appreciate it so much! I recieved some bad news over the weekend and have until August 22nd to come up with a solution for everything, so I’m stressed out beyond what words can describe. I just have so many bad things happening right now and my health is declining due to stress. I nearly ended up in the ER over the weekend but thankfully managed to avoid going. My depression has gotten a lot worse and I’m needing to take round the clock anti-anxiety meds that have kept me tired and tranquilized for the most part. I’ve been checking the FB forum “Everything Webkinz Related” for the paintings you’re after and I was wondering if you could please make me a list of your items for trade so I can make a post for you? ^.^ I recently posted in the group asking if anyone had any of my most wanted items and added some things from my trade lists to the post. Fingers crossed we can find the items we’re after! Big hugs and lots of love! ~Bekah ♡

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      • #2573466


        Dear Bekah, I am so sorry to hear that you have had to deal with so many things happening in your life and with your health all at one time. It sounds like all of this is taking a toll on your well-being. PLEASE, PLEASE do not worry about posting trades for me for any items I am looking for. Nothing is as important as you Bekah and taking care of things in your life. I appreciate your offer more than you know and am so grateful, but I just don’t want you to do that for me at this difficult time for you. You are an amazing sweet and wonderful friend and all I want for you to do now is focus on your life and health. This game does not need to be adding stress for you and certainly not things I am looking for. Please take care of yourself and I am thinking of your and praying that things will get better all around:) Biggest Hugs, and Lots of Love Frankie:)

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        • #2573504


          Hello Frankie! ^.^ Thank you so much for your love and support! ♡ I appreciate you more than you’ll ever know! To be completely honest with you, my amazing friends here on the forum and Webkinz are two of the few things right now that are helping me get through everything I’m dealing with. The excitement of making trades and finding items either friends or myself need is one of the few things keeping me sane during all of this stress. It gives me something to look forward to. ^.^ (I know that sounds silly, but I’ve really been enjoying finding things!) I’m really trying to find the Stadium Security Headset, Over The Rainbow Ride, and the White Knight Costume Pants at the moment and it has been fun and exciting looking for them! I’m really hoping I can find and trade for them soon. ^.^ I’d love to make a post for you in the FB group if you’d like! It would certainly help keep my mind off of things and give me something to look forward to. ♡ I will do my best to rest and recover, and I hope to be back to my usual happy self here soon. ^.^ Biggest hugs and lots of love! ~Bekah ♡

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    3. #2573210


      I know this is a long shot, but does anyone have extra Kinzville Spa Candles? I’m alyssa5tessa on Classic. If there’s anything I can search my docks for in return, let me know!

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    4. #2573142

      Good afternoon friends! I hope everyone is doing well. I have been pretty busy in real life that I haven’t had time to check in on here lately, but I do think of you all often. I gotta say Pearl757 had me so spoiled with sending gifts daily for a while, and now when I check my Kinzpost it is full of cobwebs. Haha I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend! I do hope we hear from Roxy very soon with some uplifting news. Love and hugs MrsKWA :-)

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      • #2573512


        Good afternoon Strawberrykinz72! Hope you had a good weekend! I saw your post on Friday and the description of the current status of your Kinzpost gave me the biggest laugh :D Honestly, during your hiatus from the forum, I was concerned I had you overworked trying to create rooms with all the items coming your way lol. Thought it might be best to give you a little breather. But that cobwebs comment (and the mental image of you peering into the vast emptiness of a mailbox full of them) was too hard to resist so I started filling your Kinzpost with spiderwebs hehe ;) Then that morphed into Fall and Halloween items. Hope it didn’t cause confusion with all the candy canes floating around! I also hope you get to see this post cause I’ve been meaning to follow up to your post about creating a Farm Fresh Theme room. Just wondering, are you putting the chicken coop inside an indoor room? I started with the theme and for now I’m making an indoor room that leads to an outdoor room where I want to make a farmyard with the chicken coop. Please share with me any ideas you’ve been hatching (pun intended!) and what type of items outside of the theme are you accessorizing with? Thanks! Love and hugs ~ Pearl

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    5. #2573046


      Dear frankie98 ~ it was your turn to blow my socks off! (Well, actually slippers for me too lol) Do you have mind reading abilities or something?!! I was so completely surprised and excited to receive the BEAUTIFUL Violet Pond and purple crocuses!! I don’t have the Violet Lion but violets have always been one of my favorite flowers! Years ago I bought the Violet Bed for my Purple Floral Fawn, whom I named Violet :D She has an outdoor room and it has always been missing that something that would truly complete it … until TODAY, thanks to your generous and so very thoughtful gifts! I’ve hesitated to ever buy the box that it comes in for fear I would end up with a bunch of the lion topiaries and no pond lol. You’ve done it once again, my friend, and found that so meaningful gift that fits just right. Thank you so very, very much for your kindness and generosity, and for so sweetly thinking of me <3 Hugs and lots of love!! ~ Pearl

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      • #2573150


        Dear Pearl, I am SO happy to hear that you liked the gift:) I am always searching to try and find something to send you that I pray you don’t have. You have been playing for so long and have collected so many items over the years, that it’s very tricky to try and read your mind, but I have been working on it LOL! I hope to give you the same feeling when you open my packages that I get when I receive one of yours:) It truly is indescribable how a smile just appears on my face and my day is immediately brighter. Now that I know how you feel about violets, I will have to keep an eye out for anything else I might come across. I hope you have a wonderful weekend. Biggest hugs, and lots of love, Frankie:)

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