My Want List

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This topic contains 1,232 replies, has 138 voices, and was last updated by  Pearl757 11 hours, 43 minutes ago.

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  • #858305

    Key Master
    1. #2652186

      HI all, if anyone has extra thin gem windows and don’t want ‘em, I’d love to take thm off your hands. I want to collect the whole rainbow, but i dont know what I’m missing. I have purple, blue, light blue, green and red. I have an extra red. I also have an extra red wide window, if thats what you’d prefer. Thanks! have a great day/ night -stoneyriver11

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      • #2652206


        Hi stoneyriver11 – please send a friend request to alphacat – I would be happy to rummage my docks for extra windows over the weekend. Nothing would be needed in return – my birthstone window collection is complete – they really are very pretty. Is your account Username the same as the one used here? Thanks – alphacat

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    2. #2652174


      Hello all! My username is PARKASUE. Thank you for your time and hope you have a great day! I am currently searching for the following: DIY Ballerina Divider, DIY Beach House Divider, Blue Striped Chair, Blue Striped Dining Table, Blue Striped Floor Lamp, Blue Striped Box, DIY Cafe Divider, City Styling Shower, City Styling Tea Set, Sweet 16 Closet, Condo Balcony, Condo Room Divider, Mahogony Bunk Bed, Stylish Condo Sink, Fantasy Fountain, Fantasy Tea Party Chair, Fantasy Tea Party Table, Fantasy Tea Set, Friendly Froggy Shelf, Friendly Froggy Coffee Table, Friendly Froggy Pantry, Friend Froggy Stove, Friendly Froggy Fireplace, DIY Friendly Froggy Cottage Divider, Friendly Froggy Bench, Friendly Froggy Kitchen Island, Friendly Froggy Kitchen Stool, Friendly Froggy Bunk Bed, Friendly Froggy Plushy, Friendly Froggy Rocking Chair, Friendly Froggy Tea Party Chair, Friendly Froggy Tea Party Table, Watermelon Kitchen Stool, Galactic Greenhouse, Ichiban Tea Party Chair, Ichiban Tea Set, Kids Play Tent, Party Time Piano, Party Time Pool Table, Regency Writing Desk, Regency Tea Party Chair and Table, Regency Chair, Regency Tea Set, Book Nook Loft, Sweet 16 Bookshelf, Tangerine Chair, Tangerine Dining Table, Tanger Floor Lamp, Tangerine Toy Box, Winter Wonderland Mirror, Winter Wonderland Window, Yeti Cookie Jar, Anything that has Wacky on it, Any Fall Fest Items, Any Jumbleberry Items.

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      • #2652192


        Hi parkasue – I have several items on your list – if you would please send a friend request to both alphacat and alphacat2, I would be glad to pass along my extra items – nothing is needed in return. I do have a couple questions – for the DIY items – do you have access to the Clothing Machine to craft the dividers so can I just send the paint, or do you use only the mobile app which doesn’t have the machine. Also, is your username the same as here so I know who to expect in the friend request? Hope to hear from you – alphacat and alphacat2

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        • #2652326


          Hi alphacat! Thank you so much! I really appreciate this. 1. I do have access to the clothing machine and 2. my username is the same as here.

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    3. #2651942


      Hi Everyone – I just bought the White Chocolate Pretzel Tree – had not spent my monthly points and was just waiting for something special. I know Dipstick2001 and Strawberrykinz are looking for pretzels and if anyone else needs pretzels to make the Rainbow Chocolate Waffles, JLMK how many and I will make a list. Have a great day! alphacat

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      • #2652178


        Pretzels have been acquired and waffles were made! Thanks so much!

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    4. #2651910


      Hi Pearl757 – I saw the list of list of foods you need – I don’t have a lot of patio plants, but by happy coincidence have several you listed :-) Besides the Dandelion, English Daisy, and Golden Coins I sent today, I also have the Sweet Blackberry Pie (is that the right one?) the Green Bean Salad, Stuffed Zucchini Boat, and Freshly Picked Cherry Plums. I also have one Simple Applesauce in my dock that you may have – don’t have the dispenser for that, though. If you would like any duplicates of the above foods, JLMK and I’ll be happy to send. Also, if anyone reading this needs any of the above foods, JLMK too. Have a great day! alphacat

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      • #2651926


        Hi alphacat ~ thank you so much for the foods you have already sent and for this kind offer to send the additional ones! It was such a nice surprise when I received your first package :D Yes to the Sweet Blackberry Pie as to the correct patio plant item :) Please hold on to your Simple Applesauce and, if you’d like, I can send you the Berry Gummy Grub and the Strawberry Sensation Cupcake Pop to make the Bumbleberry Pie on a stove. I purchased an Apple Sauce Maker but haven’t yet decided which account to place it on (since those can’t be kinzposted and moved around like the patio plants). But I will soon. Hope you have a great day, too! Your friend, Pearl (twinz317)

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        • #2651940


          Hi again, Pearl – yes, I would love to have the Berry Gummy Grub and the Strawberry Cupcake Pop – thank you so much! I’ll get the other foods sent out once I get home. Cheers – alphacat

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        • #2652180


          Hi Pearl! I hear you have the Apple Sauce maker. Whenever you get the time, I’d love to get two of the simple applesauce from you. Besides the mystery seeds and planters that you mentioned in your previous list (i unfortunately don’t have any of those), what other dispenser foods are you looking for?

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          • #2652234


            Hi dipstick2001! I’m happy to set aside two Simple Applesauce for you as I dispense them :) I’m going to make a separate post with dispenser food items I could use for making some of the dispenser recipes so others can see what I have (to share) and what I could still use. Please send a FR to my callie915 account; that’s where I have the apple sauce maker. Thanks! ~ Pearl757 (twinz317) (callie915)

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    5. #2651684


      Hello everyone! I am also looking for the dispenser food ingredients for the Chocolate Rainbow Waffles. Those would be the Rainbow Cookie Bark, the White Chocolate Pretzel, and the Honey Maple Lollipop. If it’s no trouble, I would like to get two of each food item, as I do like to collect the various food prizes. I have various other prize foods, including dispenser foods, to offer in return. If you are able to help I will thank you kindly. ~Dipstick2001

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      • #2651746


        Hi dipstick2001 – If you would please send a friend request to alphacat, I can send you 2 Honey Maple and I think I have an extra Rainbow Cookie Bark you can have. I already gave my extra Pretzel to another friend. I don’t have any of those dispensers, just the foods that I’ve picked up here and there. Have a great weekend – alphacat

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        • #2651874


          Thanks so much alphacat! I sent you a few goodies in return. Now just for the pretzels.

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      • #2651784

        Hello, I have the Honey Maple Lollipop Tree. If you would like more Lollipops you can send a request to MrsKWA. If anyone else needs a Lollipop please let me know. If anyone has extra Bark and Pretzels, I would like to make the waffles also. Thanks! MrsKWA

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        • #2652238


          Hi Strawberrykinz72, I would love to have some Honey Maple Lollipops as you are able to spare a couple. I now have the trees for the Rainbow Bark and the White Chocolate Pretzels (I saw alphacat has you on her list for some pretzels but am happy to send extra) and can send some over in the coming days. Thanks!! ~ Pearl

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