Pet Talk! :)

Home Forums Pets – Archives Pet Talk! :)

This topic contains 93 replies, has 13 voices, and was last updated by  sweetcupcake16 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #813928

    Hello everyone! Pet Talk is a forum I created to ( that’s right! ) talk about pets! I will post a new pet topic every week. This week’s topic is: Which regular webkinz pet or pets do you think is the best one ganz ever made, and why? My personal favorite right now is the musical dalmatian because I play and love music. Next week’s topic is about the signatures. :)

    1. #831157

      This week’s topic is: what should’ve been the last signature? Even though I love the signature English bulldog a lot, I think the last one should’ve been a type of horse or a great dane. :D

      • #832397


        I wanted a siggie black wolf or a kangaroo. :/ oh well

        • #833213

          A kangaroo would’ve been cool! I have the first one that came out several years ago. ;)

    2. #829331


      It would be helpful because when I typed in the codes and names for my Lil Kinz pink and black poodles, I accidentally switched the names. Since I didn’t have a choice to go back and redo it..,. what was done, was done! So I had to type in the wrong name for the other one but I know which one is which because the name that was given the pink poodle was supposed to be for the black one. I had planned to name the black one for my grandma’s black toy poodle whose registered name is in French.

    3. #827875

      Here’s this week’s topic. I think that webkinz should make it where we could change our pet’s names because what if their name was spelled wrong when it was typed in, or we regret putting the pet’s whole name in capitals by mistake( I did that with my love puppy. Her name was supposed to be Sweetie, but I didn’t realize that my keyboard was in caps lock, and she was named SWEETIE instead. LOL ) Or, maybe after naming the pet, what if a few days later, we think of a better name???

      • #829739

        I agree like Lester my lil’ kinz lion I spelt it lester

      • #832396


        That would be great! I spelled my red panda Jessica in all caps. And I would love to change my dog barn owl name to Soren instead of Hershey Kiss

    4. #825686

      Here’s this week’s topic! What would you think about designing clothes for our pets to wear that can be customized( choose color,style,etc) to the way you want it to look? I think that would be really cool! :)

      • #826871

        awsome i have so many ideas i could use cause with my pets i’m just not really sure like

    5. #823289


      I know you already posted next week’s topic, but my answer to this week’s topic of which pet I ‘d like to see come out of retirement is the Golden Pegasus. I had a room already and decorated for one when they announced it’s retirement. I couldn’t get it from the e-store when it was available for one week because I hadn’t been able to get a card to get e-store points. By the time I was able to get to a mall so I could get one, it was too late. I am hoping and wishing that they will bring the retired e-store versions back at Christmas time, at least temporarily. Still hoping and wishing for a Golden Pegasus!!!

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