Username History!

Home Forums Questions – Archives Username History!

This topic contains 342 replies, has 45 voices, and was last updated by  Bali_Tiger 11 years, 2 months ago.

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  • #760472

    Do you have a backstory of how you got your username? Post it here! Okay, so my user name, stylized is OCarinaoftime, because I love The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. the capital OC is because I love OWL CITY! So, yeah. That’s all! Um, yeah. Post your history below! ~OCarina

    1. #829719


      Just trying to keep this open! Hope to see you soon Gold! Oh and if you want Deluxe from DF, you have to accept. If that won’t work for you than tell me and I will send them to you through what DF sends me. It might take a while though because I only have 1 accont while DF has many. TTYL-Atom

      • #830243

        I friended DF and got a bunch of the items from the theme! Thanks both of you! goldbybrittnicoll

    2. #829718


      Thank you for posting allwordstaken. I have a question, did you choose your WN’s User because all over names you tried were taken?-Atom

    3. #828371


      Thank you for the wonderful gifts that you sent me! I really like them. Have a nice day and as always, peace be with you!-Atom

    4. #827847

      My actual one is FruitsBasketluvs, the name is super obvious, I’m just Japanese Anime Crazy!!!

    5. #827543


      Hi Gold!! I have a big surprise to send you!! It is the Rainbow Fountain of Wow! I got one from trading and one from my friend so I am going to gift one to you! Nothing needed in return, but if you would like to send something that is ok too! Have a nice day!Atom

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