Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

Home Forums Webkinz World – Archives Who’s Ready To Trade???~snowy527

This topic contains 96 replies, has 21 voices, and was last updated by  cutie135 11 years, 6 months ago.

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  • #777502


    Hey!! I’m back! I’ve decided since it’s summer, I am going to start a trading forum! And I have been collecting priceless and more over time since my old forum, Happy Trading. I have also been collecting birthstone pets and their gemsters with them…..just to give you a clue of what I have in store! I also have been collecting from Webkinz Friends on the iPad too! So tell me what you would like and what you have a you’re set to trade! I will post a trading list in a bit, since it’s sooooo long.

    1. #787358


      OK people in the trading room are starting to say that emo is worth less than plumpy…..what do you guys think?

      • #791198


        Hi snowy, more than a hundred people getting this kind of stuff for free, what do you think? The thing that made priceless, well, priceless was not everyone had it or could get it. The same goes for the promos and social media items. If all players have them, they cease to be “special”.Sad, but true. Hope this helps, DF

        • #792510


          So you’re saying that my priceless isn’t “priceless”?

          • #793432


            Snowy, if kids keep getting all those items for free, then yes, there will be no more priceless, as we know it. I had to trade two huge promo items for the sun embrace bed, a level ten item, now you can get it free. Like any real or virtual “collectible” if the market is flooded with more of the items the value drops. Think about this, you go to the TR and every pet has WZ, army and plumpy. Then what? Of course the good thing is there are always kids quitting and new kids starting to play. Do you understand? DF

            • #794915


              Well…that kind of put me down…knowing that my good items like melody and plumpy and licorice and wacky and wings aren’t going to be worth a lot.

            • #796313


              Snowy so sorry, it’s supply and demand and me and my “collector” friends aren’t real thrilled either. Like I said the good news is, there are always new players that need the items you have, so lets all hope WW gets back to normal. DF

            • #803182


              Hey…yeah I have noticed that emo has kind of gone down dogfish…..and plumpy has gotten higher. Actually I traded my plumpy for emo and got it back for trading my emo lol…at least I had wacky to wear with my plumpy.

    2. #787210


      Hey fox star I do but not for trade sorry…anything else you need?

    3. #785804


      Do you have the diamond doggy psi?!?! i really want it! if you want what i have i could trade you for an exclusive item the swan boat car!! please?? my user is foxstar2000

    4. #784590

      Snowy, this is all I want. PLMK if you have one, or don’t have one. Log lodge pool, Three ring swing, Burrowing Cliffside slide, Sly slide, Lovely tree swing, Celestrial swing, Sparkling star bed, Shooting star shower, and probably any newer promo is nice. LMK if you have any of these wonderful items.

      • #785823


        Hi Everyone! It’s been forever since I’ve been here! If anyone needs anything PLMK cause I have lots to trade. FUDGEYVANILLA, I have all those items on your list in case you can’t make a trade with Snowy. I also have lots more. Maybe I’ll make a forum or a list somewhere. TTFN, JEWELS

        • #787212


          Hey jewels! How are you? Do you have a specific list of wants?

      • #785926


        Hey fudgey! I do happen to have the alexandrite gemster or however you spell that lol, and I have the sly slide. I would like signature PSI, estore points, priceless, or whatever you have to offer.

    5. #784568


      Food or Wacky Webkinz World Seeds (please no seeds you can buy at w shop candycane,donut seeds) also have too many birthday cakes sell them for 10$ each also sorry about the 6000 posts for the spotlights.

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