Forum Replies Created
When I adopt a new pet, will it extend my membership a year from the day I adopted it or a year from the previous membership expiration date? @Sally
I also have another question. A long time ago, I adopted a webkinz lemur and named her Hermione after the Harry Potter series. The only problem is that I MISSPELLED her name and it really annoys me every time I play with her. I spelled her name “Hemione” instead of “Hermione”. Is there any possible way I can fix the spelling error? Technically, I am not changing her name…. :D
So recently, I purchased a signature moose and logged it onto my account adding another year onto my account. A couple weeks later I purchased a pinktastic peacock, a webkinz that I had been wanting for YEARS and I would really like to log her on soon so I can play with her. If I log her on now after I logged on the moose a few weeks ago, will my account still turn into a free account in 2021 or will it be extended to 2022? If my account will still turn into a free account in 2021, I will just have to wait a full year to log on my peacock. -_-
Hi! Has anyone heard any information if there will be new plush pets coming out? I have been checking the article stating the gen 1 pets are going to be discontinued regularly just to check if there are any updates. If more plush pets don’t come out I won’t be able to play Webkinz as a member and I may end up not paying it anyone if that’s the case. Please update ganz! I want to continue Webkinz!!!!
Can you please make a Scottish fold cat plush? Scottish folds are the cutest breed of cat! If you do make one, it would be adorable if it had big eyes! I would also like to rearrange and delete or sell rooms I don’t use anymore. -Cat2f
Does anyone know where I can buy a Signature ocelot for $20 or less? I’m broke
Where did you find the ocelot?
Thank you all so much!
Anyone know where i can buy a cheap signature ocelot and also a peacock? I have wanted these for years now. Thank you! -Cat2f
Please make googles clothing look better on them! When i put a shirt on them with sleeves, she just has sleeves hanging off her body! This is really annoying! Please fix this!
I agree! The same thing happened to me!!! (BRING MAZIN HAMSTERS BACK!)
Here is my list of suggestions… 1) Please make players be able to sell and move rooms around their house 2) Please make a design a pet contest that the winner’s design will become a PLUSH! That would be so cool! 3) Please make all the birthstone pups a plush! I would total get one of those (Aquamarine) because they are so cute! 4) Please bring Mazin Hamsters back!!! I know some people who really liked it and thats all they did on Webkinz. Because Mazin Hamsters is gone, they don’t play anymore!!! PLEASE BRING MAZIN HAMSTERS BACK! 5) Please make some of the virtual pets PLUSH! In my opinion, some of them look like they wouldn’t be that hard to make and I can’t get virtual pets and most of them are really cute! 6) Please make a cat pet of the month in March. ~Cat2f
Can you please make a Scottish fold! I really want one and would definitely get one! If you do make it and decided to make it a POTM please make it a POTM in March. Thanks!
Please make a Scottish fold cat plush! That is my favorite breed of cat and I really want one!
I have an idea! Can you make it so we can sell rooms? If so that would be awesome! My rooms are kinda out of control! And what would also be fun to is to create and actual garage sale! Webkinz player can sell their items they don’t want and other players can buy them and the original owner gets the money!