Forum Replies Created
Please consider having a Gym in Kinzville for NEXT. Then wouldn’t have to go back home to exercise when a pet asks. Think I’ve suggested this before.
Maybe Ivory or Arctic.
Finally did get one more lab, so 3 more to go.
I can send you 3 more tomorrow.
Sent you 3 skirts. Will send some more, but been working a lot. I’ve been rotating with my 3 other accounts which I inherited from family members which aren’t deluxe.
I agree. I’ve stopped trying to pick up apples that land close to buildings. One time an apple even landed on top of a building! Had a good laugh over that.
I believe this may have something to do with ADOBE flashplayer. I have also suggested a few times for the return of the log out games. Perhaps make them a daily activity once in awhile.
Use a stove. Use one of each condiment. Think it will still work even though event has ended.
This is for NEXT. Could you create a fitness center or gym for Kinzville. Then wouldn’t have to go home every time a pet needs to exercise. Include a pool, treadmill, and a trampoline. Could make the bouncy house in the Farmer’s Market an exercise too.
If you are talking about Classic – I put my pets to bed and only play with the one awake and only have to put up with one pet interrupting. It still takes a long time to complete. Working my way to 500,000 points. I still am stuck with Dr. Quack’s voice in my head to put pets to bed to keep them healthy.
I’ve asked for this too! Or use a logout game as an activity.
I can send you some more hoodies. I was going through clothing the other day and still have several strawberry headbands. Know at one time you were looking for those too, but probably don’t need them now.
I will send some Geo Hoodies to you. Remembered you asked for some before and meaning to send some, but have been busy with my job and have only had time to do the basic things with my accounts.
I have an older laptop and not the best internet connection, so sometimes I freeze up too. Not so much during recess, but it will happen during a class. Thank goodness the classes are free! Back in the day had to pay KInzcash to go to class and was very annoying when the computer froze. Not only were you out cash, but class was a fail too.
Not sure where to post this. Can’t find former post. Get sent back to 2014 posts. Eskiboy sent you three more hoodies. Cardmaker22 praying for your mother. I help look after my Mom. She’s living at home. She’s had three cancer surgeries since 2000 and will be turning 90 soon. Enjoy reading posts, but do not have time to always write one.