Meet the Candidate: Amanda Panda!

Hello Webkinz Newz readers, Ella McWoof – back with another special Webkinz Votes 2016 report! Amanda Panda is a newcomer to politics, but she’s already a familiar face to everyone in Kinzville. She runs the Wish Factory and she is giving her campaign speech today which you can read below…



“I’m so excited to be running for Mayor! Cowabelle made a lot of wishes come true when she was elected. But now it’s time for someone new to fulfill the wishes of the citizens of Kinzville.


I’m so proud to be running against such esteemed opponents. I know I may not have the star power of celebrity Dex Dangerous, the many years of experience of the elderly Dr. Quack, or the cozy relationship with the current mayor that Salley Cat enjoys. But what I have is this: I spend every day interacting with citizens of Kinzville, helping make their wishes come true. At the Wish Factory, I’m lucky enough to meet with citizens face to face and listen to their needs.


What everyone wants is the ability to create a loving home for their pets – a home that lets you express your creativity and style. I’ll help you create the perfect home by adding more retired Exclusives to the Wish Factory. And to make sure you never miss out, I will announce which Exclusives are going to retire in advance.


I’d also like to address a concern expressed by some of you. I know the prices of some new Exclusives are high. I’ve already reduced prices on some items. But isn’t everything that’s worth having, worth working hard for? I see the joy on your faces when you finally save up enough Tokens to get that special piece. Doesn’t the fact that you have to work for it make it all the more special?


If you elect me on November 30th we’ll work together to create the perfect home. You already know how hard I work for you every day in the Wish Factory. As your Mayor, I’ll work to make wishes come true all over Kinzville.


Amanda Panda

Wishing the Best for Kinzville”


From November 16 – 22, visit Amanda Panda in the Kinzville Park and click on her to receive one of 3 campaign prizes: the Amanda Panda Campaign Sign, Cap and Plushy (limited to 1 prize per day, per account).


***THIS EVENT IS AD SUPPORTED. Your ads must be turned on to participate in this event.



Don’t forget to vote for your favorite mayoral candidate right here on Webkinz Newz on November 30th. Every vote counts! So what do you think of what Amanda Panda had to say? Will you cast your vote for her on November 30th? Please leave your comments below…



This has been Ella McWoof reporting for Webkinz Newz.


Check out the platforms for the other candidates: Dr. QuackDex Dangerous and Salley Cat!

130 Responses to Meet the Candidate: Amanda Panda!

  1. duckgirl1118 says:

    One question Sally Webkinz, can we vote for 2 candidates or one. I’m so torn between Quack and Amanda!!!

  2. trexjt2013 says:

    I would just like to invite ANYONE PLEASE to tell us, here on this post, how elated they are that they just spent 300 Wish Tokens for a Campkinz Pool, or Flowering Ribbons Bed, or a Raziel Slide. I have all of these items from previous events and Hamster Activities, and can tell you that none of then justifies saving for 3 1/2 years just to get. It may show a sign of patience waiting that long but its not a show of hard work. If you get super excited over this accomplishment I would say you are probably in the minority. Just stating again please ANYONE tell us how excited you are and that it was worth every token spent.

  3. LuckyTheBeagle says:

    Okay here is my opinion, I was originally going to vote for Amanda Panda, but now I’m not sure. I’m probably not going to vote for Dex Dangerous or Salley Cat, since Dex seems kinda boastful and self-obsessed. As for Salley Cat, well, she seems kind of immature (no offense Salley Cat). I mean, she’s a very young character, and I’m not sure if she would be a very good mayor. Dr. Quack sounds good, but to be honest, he kind of creeped me out, when I first started playing Webkinz. And then after reading Amanda Panda’s speech, I’m not very sure who to vote. I might have to end up voting for Dr. Quack… :/

    • Marvelkinz says:

      i know what you mean about Salley Cat being young but so was Cowabelle and she was a pretty good mayor i still have no idea who i’m voting for either but i do know who i’m not voting for….

  4. Breelin says:

    It’s a good offer but I don’t think I’m going to vote for Amanda. I’d like to get some more retired exclusives, but if they’re available to the public again the value of the ones I have will go way down -_-

  5. Blue57Star says:

    at the moment DR Quack still has my vote. Dex, well i’m not even sure what he stands for and i just don’t… think he would make a…. good mayor. and as for Amanda i am still frustrated with what happened over the token prices, if it was that if she became mayor she would lower them i might vote for her.

  6. AmericanCivilWar1861 says:

    You’ve got my vote Amanda Panda! :)

  7. AtomicActivity says:

    I play on Webkinz every day. In two months I have saved 15 tokens without any Wish Factory purchases. I have calculated that at this rate, it will take me 3 years and 4 months to get the Wish Factory bed… I believe that a maximum wish token price should be 30 tokens. I believe in saving for what I want, but not for 3 years, and not for a virtual item.

    • bear10201 says:

      That is a very very long time. I get what she is saying but we are talking a crazy amount of tokens compared to the 10-15ish it used to require for items. That is just unrealistic. I can see working and saving to get things and appreciating them and the time to reach the goals but that is just not realistic to me.

      • duckgirl1118 says:

        I’ve been playing Webkinz for 6 years now, and I made some wish factory purchases and I don’t even think I got 300 tokens. I may have gotten 100 with the 6 years I’ve been playing.

  8. Pupwolf says:

    Sorry Amanda Panda – you do not have my vote. I don’t like what you did in the Wish Factory. I think you had good intentions bringing back items from years past, but so many of them were free during collection events and now have such high prices they are simply unattainable for most players. I know many adults play Webkinz, but this is really a children’s game. Dangling pretty virtual objects well beyond their grasp isn’t fun and might discourage them to play.

  9. Blaine says:

    And Amanda comes out swinging!! :D Calling Dr Quack “elderly”? He retired because he was out of a job, since pets wouldn’t get sick anymore. I can’t imagine you have seen “the joy” of picking a 300 token item. I am 200 tokens away from that pleasure. :( These items are not unique to Webkinz World and there is no “work” involved in collecting tokens. Plus, once you collect so many and get that one item, you have to start all over to get another. If someone wanted all of the “new” exclusives, it would take 2570 tokens, and that is not including the true exclusives that are 10-15 tokens apiece. And returning retired items? Badly done Amanda, badly done.

  10. kittymade10 says:

    I kind of don’t trust Dex. He is so worried about being the Hero so much he might do something. I don’t know how to explain, but I just don’t trust him!

    • Ralph10 says:

      I think he is weird.

    • MEG_WEBKINZ says:

      I get what your saying, and I really don’t either. Amanda has my vote! I wonder what Salley’s promises will be? I don’t think they’ll beat Amanda, but that’s what I thought before I saw Cowabelle’s promises last year! =P

      • kittymade10 says:

        Haha, yeah. I am really curious to see Salley’s promises too. The words I couldn’t find earlier was I think that’s dangerous might be worried about his reputation more than the people of kinzville. He might do something selfish that does the opposite of helping us. He wants Kingsville to be an exciting adventurous place but what about the other n he wants Kingsville to be an exciting adventurous place but what about the other needs? That’s basically what I was saying. I am glad you both agree, and get what I’m saying.

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