Webkinz Tips and Tricks: Growing Gardens!


In this edition of Webkinz Tips and Tricks, we will be looking at a great way for earning KinzCash: harvesting farm fresh food from your Growing Gardens!


You can find the “Seeds” section in the WShop’s “Fun Stuff” category. Once you buy seeds, you can drag them from your Dock into any outdoor or treetop room to plant them. Different plants grow at different speeds, so each day you should tend to you plants by clicking on them. If your plant has developed weeds, it will no longer continue to grow, and if the weeds are not removed using the rake, the plant will eventually die and need to be dug under to start growing again. Watering plants each day will reduce the chance that a plant will get weeds.


Once a plant is fully ripe you can harvest it. Some plants like pumpkins will only yield one piece of food each time you harvest it, while other plants like tomatoes can yield as many as 5 items in a single harvest! And once you’ve harvested a plant, it is recycled and begins the growing cycle again!


Harvested food can be sold back to the WShop, and there is no limit to the number of times that a plant can go through the growth cycle. So as long as you visit each day and tend to your growing gardens, the more you plant, the more KinzCash you can make!


How many gardens do you have? And what other “Webkinz Tips and Tricks” would you like to learn? Let us know in the comments below.


You can read the previous “Webkinz Tips and Tricks” article here.


192 Responses to Webkinz Tips and Tricks: Growing Gardens!

  1. corinne29 says:

    I L-O-V-E gardening!

  2. age0815 says:

    i’ve been playing since 2006 and i think members should get the same as deluxe members but i think a good seed would be aaaaaaaaa……. snickers seed for webkinz.

  3. brookie02 says:

    I have a bigger garden then that i have 7 gardens

  4. andreeactin says:

    I have 2 gardens. One for gardening and one for relax. I am very proud of me because I save a lot of Kinzcash! :)

  5. nipnerb says:

    They seriously call this a hint? Everyone knows how to grow stuff in webkinz!

  6. Luna_Nightsilence says:

    Hey everyone! As we all know, Priceless is a HUGE market for trading in both the Kinz Chat PLus and Regular Chat. If you are in need (want) of some, feel free to add me! crazypenguin4817 is my username, add me and we can figure out a trade. Im usually in the Kinz Chat PLUS**** Clubhouse, so you should find me there. Cheers!

  7. marco090101 says:

    I love gardening on Webkinz but I seem to always forget to water them!

  8. wiiwii133 says:

    please, make candy trees!! :) if you do, thanks ganz!!

  9. girlie2431 says:

    wow if that is a pic of some kinz garden/yard then all go for it

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