My Want List

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This topic contains 1,234 replies, has 138 voices, and was last updated by  frankie98 13 hours, 3 minutes ago.

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    1. #2576594


      Hi balletbear5M! Your comment about our pets twinning with their trend setter dresses got my daughter and I thinking of how cute that was :D I was happy to catch a sale on points earlier this summer and still have some left, so we decided to adopt a Pomsky for her (but on the NorthStar account so the two could share a room with the two vanities in it). She has always loved huskies, which was the first pet she adopted, hence that account’s name of Huskygirl17 :) We didn’t need the extra fireplace PSI and wanted to pass it along to you to hopefully put the finishing touch on your room! While you and she are both away at school, I can see the two Pomsky roomies and be reminded of you both when I’m enjoying time on WK <3 Thanks for the inspiration! Love and hugs! ~ Pearl

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      • #2576612


        Hi Pearl! :) Thank you SO much for the fireplace! Your gift made my day when I opened it :D Our pets definitely must have a special connection with their matching dresses, because that fireplace was the last item I needed to complete my trendsetter room, it was absolutely perfect!! The Pomsky (and other huskies in general) is an adorable pet, and that’s such a cute idea for your daughter to have one as well! :) I am so appreciative of you both thinking of me and being willing to share such a generous gift! I feel like I’ve been saying this lately about many of my rooms I’ve been able to make with your help, but the trendsetter room is most definitely one of my favorites in my house! My cat Peach has claimed it as her new bedroom, LOL! I am so incredibly grateful for your help with this room along with the many other rooms (and outfits) you have helped me with :) As always, if there’s something you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to ask about it and I’d be happy to send it your way if I have it! I also just wanted to let you know that I likely won’t be on the forums much (and will be limited to the mobile app for webkinz) next week becuase I’ll be on vacation with my family. I’ll be back by the next Tuesday though :) Thank you again, and lots of love and hugs! ~ balletbear5M <3

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    2. #2576228


      Hi – - balletbear5M, I saw your post looking for trendsetter items. I have two rugs I would like to trade. The wardrobe would be of interest to. Also a trendsetter vanity if anyone is interested. Thanks nlights

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      • #2576348


        Hello nlights! I just wanted to let you know that I responded to your post on the page before this one :) Have a wonderful week! ~ balletbear5M

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    3. #2576210


      Hi frankie98! I’m not sure where you posted before but thank you so much for the three Wackyer items you sent to me! That was so thoughtful of you! My energy has been on the lower side lately and I’ve been feeling kind of quiet, but I do miss everyone on here and wanted to pop in to touch base. So far, the only item I haven’t been able to win is the Wacky Tea Set if you happen to have an extra one. Hope you’re doing well dear friend <3 Big hugs! ~ Pearl

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      • #2576444


        Hi Pearl! So nice to see you back on the forum:) You were missed and thought of often. I didn’t want you to have to worry about getting those new prizes, so I sent them to you to hopefully take a little stress off. I wrapped the Wacky Tea Service in extra Bubble Wrap so it would not get damaged in shipping. Sometimes I see Fiona Feathers fly those packages off so quickly I’m not so sure she is always careful LOL! I’m happy your tea set arrived without any chips, or cracks:) If you ever need anything from events just let me know and I am always happy to help. Just take good care of yourself and your health my dear friend. Biggest Hugs, Frankie:)

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        • #2576474


          Hi Frankie! You’re the best :D When the event started, I wasn’t sure how much energy I had to play it so your gifts of the new items right up front definitely relieved that stress of possibly missing out on them <3 The extra bubble wrap for the tea set was a great idea, everything arrived safe and sound! LOL ;) Your post reminded me just now of several years ago when my youngest daughter played Chip in her school musical of Beauty and the Beast ~ so cute and such a great memory!! Thanks again for thinking of me ~ your thoughtfulness and kind, caring friendship is ever so much appreciated! Big Hugs and Lots of Love <3 ~ Pearl

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    4. #2576208


      Hi balletbear5M! I saw your sweet post about receiving the neon chocolate booth ~ the animation is a fun surprise :D I’m also glad to hear your neon bowling alley room is coming along. Do you still need any items for it? If so, please let me know. I haven’t had any luck yet getting a tea set on the Wackyer game so far. If it is a returning prize, I apparently didn’t get any before either. So that would be an item I might need by the end of this weekend :) Hope you’re doing well! Do you head back to school soon? My two youngest head back to college in about two weeks (trying not to miss them already!) Big hugs! ~ Pearl

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      • #2576242


        Hi Pearl! :) It’s so good to see you on the forums again, I missed you while you were gone! <3 My chocolate shop is now one of my favorite rooms in my webkinz house! I love that everything is Valentine's themed and pink, it makes for such a nice color scheme :) And the bowling alley room is certainly coming along great as well! If you happen to have an extra neon buffet and neon couch, I would love those! Thank you so much for offering, and no worries at all if you don't have any spares of those! I sent a wacky tea set over the weekend, so hopefully you don't have to worry about getting one anymore :) If there's any other wacky prizes you might need (from this year or previous ones), I'd be happy to check on those for you! I have been doing well, and I hope you are too! I go back in about 3 weeks, I'm both excited and nervous at the same time since it's my last year before I graduate! I hope the rest of the time this summer you're able to spend with your two youngest is filled with lots of great quality time and happiness :) Big hugs to you too! ~ balletbear5M <3

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        • #2576294


          Hi balletbear5M! Your posts always bring such a smile to my face <3 Thank you so much for the Wacky Tea Set! I finally won a set on Saturday :) I have three accounts with Wacky themed rooms so with yours, mine, and one frankie98 generously sent to me, I am very happy to have a set for each of those three accounts now :D I definitely have an extra neon buffet and neon couch AND I have an extra set of Trendsetter Curtains I can send along if you still need them. I also have an extra Trendsetter Vanity that you're welcome to have … I know you got one in trading, but you can either put two in your room (like I did) or use it to try to trade for other items you're still looking for. Just let me know if you'd like me to include it. I don't want to start missing you, too, already so I will hold off talking about your last year coming up and will just stay close to the forums for the remainder of the summer! More big hugs!! ~ Pearl

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          • #2576346


            Happy Monday Pearl! :) Your posts do as well! Your words are always so kind and they definitely made my day today! <3 I'm so happy you were able to have a tea set for each of your Wacky rooms, that sounds like it worked out perfectly! The tea set was the last of the prizes I won, so it definitely seems to be a bit difficult to get for some reason :/ Thank you so very much for the couch and buffet! I just need to put a few more finishing touches on the room and then it will be complete :D I definitely couldn't have finished it without your help! I've gotten very lucky in my trades for the trend setter items and have plenty of curtains, but I would love the vanity if you don't mind! :) I would love to be able to add a 2nd to my room since it's such a cute item! :) If there are any items from the theme you're still looking for definitely let me know as well! :) I currently only have an extra dress that I'd be happy to send, but can definitely keep an eye out for all the others :) I'm super sad that the summer is coming to an end soon, but it's been so great catching up and talking to you again, and I definitely hope to pop in now and then throughout the semester as well to say hi :) Have an amazing week! ~ balletbear5M <3

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            • #2576476


              Happy Monday balletbear5M! I’m glad to hear you did so well with trading for the Trendsetter items! In my eStore boxes, the only item I didn’t get at least one of was the dress so I would love to trade the vanity for the dress :D Over the weekend, with the boxes given out, I got a rug and another vanity (making a total of three vanities). Two look great in the room, and I love how the frame around the mirror lights up when the pet sits down at the vanity! But I definitely don’t need the third so if you’re sure you’re okay with parting with your extra dress, that would be great! My Pomsky, Skyler, will be so excited to show off her new dress as she makes the rounds introducing herself to all of the pets on that account :) (NorthStar5953). If we’re already friends on that account, you’re welcome to just send the dress there (and if we are, that’s where the vanity will be coming from for you btw). Thanks again! Have an awesome week! ~ Pearl

            • #2576502


              Hi Pearl! :) I got incredibly lucky with my trades! My goal was to not have to buy any estore points for the boxes, and I did exactly that – to my surprise I was even able to get the patio plant in a trade! The dress has now been sent to your NorthStar5953 account :) I’m sure Skyler is going to look absolutely fabulous in her new dress! My cat Peach has been sporting her matching dress this past weekend, and is so exciting to now being twinning with Skyler :) I totally agree about the vanity, the mirror light adds an extra special touch to it! I’m so happy to have been able to help by sending the dress, and thank you very much for the vanity! Love and hugs! ~ balletbear5M <3

    5. #2575870


      Hey y’all! It’s alyssa5tessa on Classic! I was wondering if anyone’s ended up with extra Vacation Wheel yellow sunglasses and tropical palm tree pants? Not sure what the proper names are. Same with those brown sandals from the Wheel of Deluxe. I’d love to take some off your hands if you have spares! And I’ve been putting some time in at Wacky-er so if anyone needs extras of the prizes this time around, let me know!

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      • #2575956


        Hi a5t – I have the Sunglasses and the Pants for you – I will check on the Sandals and will send if I have them. :-) Nothing is needed back – I’m am pretty good at WackyEr – maybe it’s because I can take my time and it’s slower paced. I’m not good at quick games that require fast reflexes – LOL. Have a great day! alphacat

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        • #2577712


          Thank you Alphacat and others who sent me the clothes! I can’t begin to thank you- they’re so cute!

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