My Want List

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This topic contains 1,232 replies, has 138 voices, and was last updated by  Pearl757 15 hours, 13 minutes ago.

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  • #858305

    Key Master
    1. #2651668


      Hi, @Alphaowlbear Thank you for this offer I have sent you a F/R from shelkinz67. I removed several players from my F/R list about 7 months ago that I no longer had contact with as my friends list was close to the maximum of 500 players I had to free up some space. Is there anything you are looking for in return? Have a great day! ~ shelkinz67

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    2. #2651384


      Hi everyone! I have two Deluxe Monthly Clothing items that I would LOVE to find to complete an outfit on one of my secondary accounts that was formerly deluxe: The LOVELY BELT (February 2025) and LOVELY SHOES (February 2024). That account already has the Lovely Toque, Top, and Skirt on a pet ~ she would look fabulous if I could complete her accessories to the outfit :D I have lots of other Deluxe Monthly Clothing that I could trade in return; just let me know what you might be interested in. Thanks so much! ~ Pearl757 (twinz317)

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    3. #2651062


      Hi, if anyone has a spare City Styling Tea Party Table, that they wouldn’t mind parting with, I would greatly appreciate it if you could send one my way. It’s the only item I didn’t get from the event and I would like to be able to complete it. My user is bunnychan.

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      • #2651146


        Hi bunnychan – if you would please send a friend request to alphacat, I have an extra City Styling Tea Table I,can send you. Happy to help – alphacat

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        • #2651484


          Hi alphacat, thank you so much, I just sent you a friend request! I really apprciate you helping me out with this!

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          • #2651502


            Hi bunnychan – thanks for sending the friend request. However, I see that you are a free player and so cannot receive kinzpost packages. I will save the table for you if at some time you adopt a pet to become a full player. :-) alphacat

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            • #2651518


              Shoot, that’s unfortunate, I forgot that free members can’t use kinzpost :( I still appreciate your generosity and willingness to help me out though!! I usually wait until Webkinz gives us the free deluxe membership trial, but I don’t know when the next one is going to be, December maybe? So, I don’t know if you’d be willing to wait that long, or even remember by that point, but I would greatly appreciate it either way!

            • #2651520


              Shoot, that’s unfortunate, I forgot that free members can’t use kinzpost :( I still appreciate your generosity and willingness to help me out though!! I usually wait until Webkinz gives us the free deluxe membership trial, but I don’t know when the next one is going to be. I’m pretty sure they do one every year in December, but I have no idea if they will at any other point in the year? So, I don’t know if you’d be willing to wait that long, or even remember by that point, but I would greatly appreciate it if you could! Of course, if you can’t, that’s completely understandable as well, so please don’t feel bad if that’s the case!

            • #2651664


              I have no clue why my reply message sent when I wasn’t finished typing it out yet, so feel free to ignore the first one!

    4. #2650990


      Dear Netg, I’m not sure if you’ll see this message but I wanted to thank you so much for your thoughtful gift! ^.^ It made my day! ♡ I’ve sent you a Valentine in return and hope you like it! Have a wonderful weekend! ^.^ ~Bekah ♡

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      • #2651034


        Dear Bekah, I saw you have been having a difficult time and wanted to cheer you up. I’m so glad it did. Thank you for your gifts in return. I do hope everything sorts itself out for you very soon. I sometimes think it feels like life keeps throwing problems at you in a way it never used to or maybe we are just getting older and less able to take it in our stride. I know it seems that way to me. Thinking of you and praying life gets easier for you very soon. Have a great weekend. Many hugs, Netg

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    5. #2650942


      Hi, I am looking for the 3 different ingredients from eStore dispensers to make Chocolate Rainbow Waffles, the latest secret recipe revealed. I need HONEY MAPLE LOLLIPOP – Honey Maple Lollipop Tree, RAINBOW COOKIE BARK – Rainbow Cookie Bark Tree and WHITE CHOCOLATE PRETZEL – White Chocolate Pretzel Tree. I can send other food dispensers items in return. Thanks for looking. ~shelkinz67

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      • #2651330

        Hi, I have the Honey Maple Lollipop. I thought we were already friends, but it doesn’t look like you are on my list. MrsKWA

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        • #2651666


          Hi, @Strawberrykinz72 I have sent you a F/R from shelkinz67. I had removed several from my friends list about 7 months ago that I had no longer had contact with as I was getting close to the maximum of 500 on the F/R list. Is there anything your looking for in return? Have a great day. ~ shelkinz67

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      • #2651382


        Hi shelkinz67 ~ I don’t have any of these dispensers but I found a piece of Rainbow Cookie Bark in my dock that I can send over. I often say nothing needed in return, but I do enjoy receiving dispenser foods so if you have a dispenser item to share, I wouldn’t mind ;) ~ Thanks! Pearl757 (PS – I don’t know if the clubhouse room where Sophie gives dispenser items has a set list or not, but I try to frequently go there and then hold onto ones I don’t have dispensers for in case one of those foods ends up in a recipe like this. I’ve gone the last few days hoping for a white chocolate pretzel to send to you but nothing yet)

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        • #2651676


          Hi, @Pearl757 Thank you so much for the Rainbow Cookie Bark and other goodies you sent, I hope this wasn’t the only piece of Rainbow Cookie Bark you had. I visit Sophia in the clubhouse to get the food item daily. It seems I have been getting the same food items forever hopefully they will switch them up soon. I have several dispensers along with the Planter Mystery Boxes and Mystery Patio Plant Box Series 1 that I purchased over the years. Is there anything your looking for in particular or would you rather if I just start sending all the dispenser items including planter mystery boxes and Mystery Patio Box randomly to you? I am currently working on a list of all the dispensers I have so far, compared to of all the dispensers that have been available from the eStore. I know there are a lot that I am still missing it just got to be way to expensive to continue buying everything. If you have a list of what you still need it may be easier for me to check if I have what you are looking for. Enjoy the rest of the day, have a wonderful Valentine’s Day. ~ shelkinz67

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          • #2651776


            Hi shelkinz, Happy Valentine’s Day! I do have another Rainbow Cookie Bark on another account, so no worries. The other two items are ingredients in the Bumbleberry Pie recipe; it also needs the Simple Apple Sauce from the Apple Sauce Dispenser (which I don’t yet have). Thank you so much for offering to send such a variety of items! Here is a list of what I know I don’t have from Growing Mystery Box Seeds: Black Cherry Plum; Golden Chocolate Coins and Patio Plants from Planter Mystery Boxes (2021 to present): Borage; English Daisy; Dandelion; Creeping Rosemary; Blackberry; Zucchini; and Green Bean. Hope this doesn’t get too confusing but there are “Mystery Patio Plant Boxes” from four series; the boxes look like a different translucent color for each series and have question marks inside of them. Apparently, they each came with a type of flowering divider if that helps. I have never purchased any of those and I wasn’t sure if that was the Mystery Patio Box you were referencing? Hope this helps but surprises of any dispenser food item is always fun to receive too; I enjoy how creative they can be :D Thanks!! ~ Pearl (twinz317)

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            • #2651936


              @Pearl757 Hi, Sorry for the delay I just seen your list I will start sending all the dispenser items you don’t have. I have 9 of the Mystery Patio Plant Boxes only from Series 1, some duplicates. The plants are so pretty and love how the food items look. I am not sure if the Watering Can Divider that was in the box that came with the patio plant can be sent thru KinzPost I have 54 of those, if your interested getting those as well if they can be sent in mail would be happy to send a few of those as well they look so pretty in the yard. Have a fantastic day. ~ shelkinz67

      • #2651392


        Hi bonesbongo – I found an extra White Chocolate Pretzel you may have. I also thought we were already friends but I can’t find you on my list. If you would like to send a friend request to alphacat I will send the pretzel right over. alphacat

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