
Forum Replies Created

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  • in reply to: Giveaways #2651904


    Happy Valentine’s day to you and beanieaunty! You both are so sweet for sharing your items and time with us! :) From this giveaway (if still available), I would love a lovely bookshelf, sweetheart dreams bus stop, and Goober Valentine’s plushy! :) If I may also request items from the previous giveaway as well, I’d absolutely love a neon booth, chocolate shop table, and chocolate shop menu. Username is balletbear5M :) Thank you so much!! <3

    in reply to: Giveaways #2648320


    So glad to hear it! :) I am too – just getting ready to head back to school in a few days for my last semester! The swing is absolutely adorable, I love it! :) I put it in my garden, and it looks perfect! Thank you again!! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: Giveaways #2648270


    Hi alphacat, I hope you’ve been doing well! I would love the swing, it’s such a cute item!! My username is balletbear5M :) Thank you so much for such a nice giveaway! :D

    in reply to: My Want List #2646146


    Hi Pearl!! :) I’m so happy to get to talk to you again, I’ve missed you so much! I definitely had a lovely Christmas with my family and am looking forwarding to catching up on some books for the rest of the break I have left! I’m so sorry to hear you’ve had issues with fatigue, but hopefully the rest of the holiday season will bring you lots of peace and rejuvenation :) I’m so happy you had such a wonderful Christmas! It’s always so nice to get to spend all that time with family <3 Aww, I appreciate it so much that you've kept me in your thoughts and prayers for all this time, and I am so very happy that we've had the chance to reconnect :D I was fairly sure the dresses were from you, I truly can't thank you enough, I love them! Pink is my favorite color, so they are absolutely my style! One of my pets is currently wearing one in the trendsetter room I made over the summer with your help :D Thank you again for everything, and hopefully we'll be able to chat a bit more on here before the end of my break! Love and hugs ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2646060


    Hi Pearl! I hope you see this message, I just had to pop in to say thank you for the incredibly sweet and thoughtful birthday wishes! :) You truly made my day, and I was so touched that you remembered after all this time! I’ve been insanely busy this semester and just got done with finals not too long ago, so I’m hoping to be on webkinz little bit during break once I fully get settled in at home :) But again, I really just want to thank you… my day had not been the best, and seeing your name pop up in my mail meant so much to me :) I hope you have been well and that you have a wonderful Christmas with your family! Lots of love and hugs!! ~ balletbear5M

    in reply to: My Want List #2582870


    Hi Pearl! I hope you had a great weekend!! :D Thank you so much for the offer! I will definitely be doing my best to try and remember to log on, I’m especially excited for the pool cue stand, it’ll go great in my room with the pink pool table that you sent :) And thank you so much! Luckily my schedule seems to look relatively easy this semester, so I’m definitely hopping to pop in here and there! I will miss you very much too! Lots of love and hugs ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2582710


    Hi Pearl!! :) Thank you so much for the bowling alley! I love the new prizes from this event and was so sad to have missed that one especially, so I’m very grateful for your help! My vacation was very fun :) I’m now back at home spending my remaining time getting ready for the new semester… I move in next week already! Thank you again so very much, and please let me know if there is anything I can help with! :) ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2582544


    Hi friends! I was on vacation last week and ended up missing logging on for the kinzville academy bowling alley :( I would be very grateful if anyone had an extra they’d be willing to send, and I’d be happy to trade for it as well! :) I hope everyone has a great rest of their week! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2576612


    Hi Pearl! :) Thank you SO much for the fireplace! Your gift made my day when I opened it :D Our pets definitely must have a special connection with their matching dresses, because that fireplace was the last item I needed to complete my trendsetter room, it was absolutely perfect!! The Pomsky (and other huskies in general) is an adorable pet, and that’s such a cute idea for your daughter to have one as well! :) I am so appreciative of you both thinking of me and being willing to share such a generous gift! I feel like I’ve been saying this lately about many of my rooms I’ve been able to make with your help, but the trendsetter room is most definitely one of my favorites in my house! My cat Peach has claimed it as her new bedroom, LOL! I am so incredibly grateful for your help with this room along with the many other rooms (and outfits) you have helped me with :) As always, if there’s something you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to ask about it and I’d be happy to send it your way if I have it! I also just wanted to let you know that I likely won’t be on the forums much (and will be limited to the mobile app for webkinz) next week becuase I’ll be on vacation with my family. I’ll be back by the next Tuesday though :) Thank you again, and lots of love and hugs! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2576502


    Hi Pearl! :) I got incredibly lucky with my trades! My goal was to not have to buy any estore points for the boxes, and I did exactly that – to my surprise I was even able to get the patio plant in a trade! The dress has now been sent to your NorthStar5953 account :) I’m sure Skyler is going to look absolutely fabulous in her new dress! My cat Peach has been sporting her matching dress this past weekend, and is so exciting to now being twinning with Skyler :) I totally agree about the vanity, the mirror light adds an extra special touch to it! I’m so happy to have been able to help by sending the dress, and thank you very much for the vanity! Love and hugs! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2576348


    Hello nlights! I just wanted to let you know that I responded to your post on the page before this one :) Have a wonderful week! ~ balletbear5M

    in reply to: My Want List #2576346


    Happy Monday Pearl! :) Your posts do as well! Your words are always so kind and they definitely made my day today! <3 I'm so happy you were able to have a tea set for each of your Wacky rooms, that sounds like it worked out perfectly! The tea set was the last of the prizes I won, so it definitely seems to be a bit difficult to get for some reason :/ Thank you so very much for the couch and buffet! I just need to put a few more finishing touches on the room and then it will be complete :D I definitely couldn't have finished it without your help! I've gotten very lucky in my trades for the trend setter items and have plenty of curtains, but I would love the vanity if you don't mind! :) I would love to be able to add a 2nd to my room since it's such a cute item! :) If there are any items from the theme you're still looking for definitely let me know as well! :) I currently only have an extra dress that I'd be happy to send, but can definitely keep an eye out for all the others :) I'm super sad that the summer is coming to an end soon, but it's been so great catching up and talking to you again, and I definitely hope to pop in now and then throughout the semester as well to say hi :) Have an amazing week! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: My Want List #2576342


    Hello nlights! Thank you so much for reaching out :) Unfortunately, I’ve already been able to obtain all of the trendsetter items I was looking for in my post! The only one I have left I still need is the fireplace. I also unfortunately traded the wardrobe already this past week when I got the other items :( I’m super sorry!

    in reply to: My Want List #2576242


    Hi Pearl! :) It’s so good to see you on the forums again, I missed you while you were gone! <3 My chocolate shop is now one of my favorite rooms in my webkinz house! I love that everything is Valentine's themed and pink, it makes for such a nice color scheme :) And the bowling alley room is certainly coming along great as well! If you happen to have an extra neon buffet and neon couch, I would love those! Thank you so much for offering, and no worries at all if you don't have any spares of those! I sent a wacky tea set over the weekend, so hopefully you don't have to worry about getting one anymore :) If there's any other wacky prizes you might need (from this year or previous ones), I'd be happy to check on those for you! I have been doing well, and I hope you are too! I go back in about 3 weeks, I'm both excited and nervous at the same time since it's my last year before I graduate! I hope the rest of the time this summer you're able to spend with your two youngest is filled with lots of great quality time and happiness :) Big hugs to you too! ~ balletbear5M <3

    in reply to: Giveaways #2575764


    Hello bananas and beanieaunty! I hope you both are well and thank you for yet another amazing giveaway :) If available, I’d love a gingerbread cabin, Christmas Carolee Gazebo, and Christmas cabinet. Thank you so much!! Username is balletbear5M <3