Want to make wonderful, delicious Secret Recipes for your pet in your oven, stove, blender or sandwich maker? Try these.
Clothing Recipe: Beautiful Blue Ball Gown
Clothing Recipe: Bright Spies Trench Coat
Clothing Recipe: Busy Artist Smock
Clothing Recipe: Detective Cap
Clothing Recipe: Emerald Ski Jacket
Clothing Recipe: Feather Light Shoes
Clothing Recipe: Glass Slippers
Clothing Recipe: Highland Kilt
Clothing Recipe: Highland Jacket And Top
Clothing Recipe: Jolly Jester’s Hat
Clothing Recipe: Nice Neon Swimsuit
Clothing Recipe: Racecar Driver Outfit
Clothing Recipe: Rockin’ Fringe Vest
Clothing Recipe: Rockin’ Neon Shoes
Clothing Recipe: Seaside Sarong
Clothing Recipe: Speedster Cap
Clothing Recipe: Strawberry Hat
Clothing Recipe: Stunning Kimono
Clothing Recipe: Super Funky Hoodie
Clothing Recipe: Sweet Treats Toque
Clothing Recipe: Tabby’s Glasses
Clothing Recipe: Toy Soldier Coat
Clothing Recipe: True North Sweater
Clothing Recipe: Wild Watermelon Shirt
Clothing Recipe: Wizard’s Apprentice Robe
Farm Fresh Apples: Recipe Revealed!
Mega Recipe: Brisked Triflador
Mega Recipe: Crystellmata Crisp
Mega Recipe: Roserina Blushini
Super Chef Secret Recipe: Bootooyoo
Super Chef Recipe: Cascalleau Aquappa
Super Chef Recipe: Entomosoflicky
Super Chef Recipe: Illissivy Elixir
Super Chef Recipe: Neigowa Blancetta
Super Chef Secret Recipe: Roasted Royalliario
Me and friends love making new types of Webkinz food to share and keep. Can’t wait to make these to fabulous flavors
Um, my pet just randomly said, quote, ‘You’re such a good food shopper!’ I may have a personal problem in making every recipe known to kinzkind. :)
Hey does anyone have cute clothing recipes? I only know ones from http://www.webkinzinsider.com
Very cool, I do have one request. Could you reveal more clothing recipes and put em on here?
Yeah,I wold like more to be on here.
I agree they need to reveal more of the clothing recipes like that race car hat as well as all the other ones
YAY!! maybe i can make a secret recipes!!:)
I need how to make the slushie for my challenge and don’t have any idea. I have tried many times but still can’t get it can someone out there please help me?
Hi cvasko! :) I can tell you how to make both Slushie recipes, but I am assuming you need Fruit Slushie? Well, I’ll post that first, then the other, so whatever recipe you were supposed to use, you can! :) Here they are: Fruit Slushie: Bottled Water, Cherries, Orange. Mega Berry Slushie: Blueberries, Raspberries, Strawberries. Hope I helped! :) If not, please reply and tell me the exact name of the recipe, or any other info. that can help me figure out which recipe you are reffering to. :) BTW, those are both made on the Blender, almost forgot to say that! :)
nice. thx ganz ! i can see alot of recipes all in one spot. these look good.
I am going to make this one right now!
Yay! Now I can finally create fun and cute recipes! ~Skylar
How do you get a mega stove? Is it something you can buy at the w shop or e store?
yeah, I think it’s like, 500 kinzcash or something at the wshop, or at least when I looked.
It’s like $1,000 or $2,000. I just got it. I can’t reaveal any new recipes. Ganz, please make more. I want too reaveal one.
WOW! thanks Ganz, for adding this! now I can see all of the recipes without wait!!!! SO COOL!
what about clothing recipies/ I know the watermeon shirt! its ballet top summer fun top and green polka dot rain boots.
what does XD mean? Thanks!
Gosh, this is such a late reply but, XD is a sideways smiley-face. The X makes the eyes. The D, the mouth. I’m not sure if this will even be read.
I read it. Fear not! XD XD XD XD XD
thx! just tried and now i’m gonna practice for the beauty contest!
A lot of good recipes are when they usually make GUK, even when you do exactly as GANZ lists say to do.