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  • in reply to: Giveaways #2648226


    Thank you for the trophy. Unfortunately I don’t have any festive blanket wraps to send you, but I will ask a friend of mine who may have some.

    in reply to: Giveaways #2648088


    Hi, I’d love a hatch the dragon game trophy, if you still have a spare one. Please could you send it to my netg3 account, I have sent you a friend request. Are you looking for anything at present or is there something I can send you in return. Thank you. netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2646138


    @cardmaker22, regarding your earlier post, please do keep posting on here, as you have done nothing to cause you to need to stop. I’m pleased to hear that your daughter is doing well. I have had a very difficult December, which has diverted me from Webkinz on occasion and left me with less time to play. We’ve had two very bad storms, including one at hurricane 2 strength. My son had a wisdom tooth out in hospital a week ago, but his face swelled badly and it got infected so he had to pay to go to the emergency dentist for antibiotics. We have been very worried we might lose him to sepsis, but he is now much better and out of danger. With that and the third anniversary of losing my husband, it hasn’t been easy. Then my house cleaner turned up very poorly, so I had to tell her to go home and rest. This meant I had to struggle to do the basic minimum cleaning I needed to. I have a large house, which she cleans every two weeks, so most will have to wait until she comes again on January 7th. I hope this explains why you haven’t heard from me and I haven’t got round to sending the things I meant to. It isn’t anything to do with something you have done. I’ve sent you some waterfalls, as the Christmas theme is leaving very shortly and I wanted to make sure you could buy more, if you want to. I hope you had a lovely Christmas and 2025 will be kind to you and your family. Hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2640034


    @cardmaker22, That’s ok, no need to apologise. It’s kind of you to respond now. It was very difficult so close to Christmas and we don’t really do Christmas much since then, as we just don’t feel it any more. On top of that, we had a once in 20 year storm from that evening and all weekend with 100 mph winds and some rain. I was really anxious all weekend, but we seem to be ok. We did manage to have dad’s 94th birthday lunch on Sunday, with a bit of an effort. The wind had died a bit by then. We all enjoyed that. Much love, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2629086


    Dear @cardmaker22, so pleased you are enjoying your shopping for Christmas items. I thought you’d need lots of kinzcash, as this year’s theme is gorgeous and I have already bought loads of it. It goes so well with lots of other items to create rooms. I’ll send you some more waterfalls, so you can buy lots of stuff. We don’t much do Christmas since I lost my husband 3 years ago this coming Friday. It just isn’t the same any more. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas. Much love, netge

    in reply to: My Want List #2606066


    Hello Bekah, so sorry to hear of your terrible situation with the tornados and storms. I hope and pray you, your family and your pets will be safe and well and that everyone and everything is ok when it’s over. Will hope to hear you are all safe very soon. Sending lots of love and prayers, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2588218


    Hi Frankie, I’m so sorry to hear of the damage to your home, but so glad you and your family are safe. I have a friend in Davenport, near Disney, who sustained damage a couple of years ago. I know how hard it is to get anyone to look at the damage and then the insurance company and agreeing someone who is authorised to do the work. I pray you are lucky and can get it all agreed and sorted quickly. Sending many hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2587494


    Hi, I just want to echo alphacat’s words and wish everyone in Florida stays safe. My thoughts and prayers are with you all. I love Florida very much and have been through two hurricanes in the past in 2005, when we owned a couple of properties there. They were only cat 2 and were frightening enough and we had a baby tornado hit our house, but luckily it only did very minor damage. I have many friends in the path of the storm and just want you all to be safe and well. I will be thinking of you and following the news on Bay News 9. With much love and prayers, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2587106


    Hi @alyssa5tessa, I’ll get the clothes over to you, no need for anything in return. I have loads of kinzcash, so it’s not a problem. I’m so pleased to hear you managed to get an early appointment with the allergist, I hope it all works out well for you and you feel much better very soon. As someone who often has to fight allergies, I can understand your predicament. I’m still trying to sort out ones from my hip replacement 3 months ago. Slowly getting there, but the doctors are no help and have no idea what it is or what to do, so I’m gradually sorting it out on my own. Hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2586282


    Hi @cardmaker22, I saw your request for POTM items and have sent the lurking lagoon and the rainbow shower, but unfortunately the lighthouse was removed some time ago when new prizes were added and is no longer available. I just wanted to let you know. Hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2585846


    Dear friend, I am so sorry to hear of your health and allergy problems. I too suffer from allergies and it can be such a nightmare. I am so glad that Webkinz is helping you to cope. Please let me know if I can send you anything you need or in any other way. Thinking of you and wishing you all the best, I hope you feel better soon. Much love and hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2584716


    Hi @cardmaker22, I was wondering when you started playing Webkinz, as I have lots of items from previous fall/ Halloween and Christmas themes that were only available for that December. I have tended to buy at least 6 of each item on each account in the past few years, so I can send you stuff from previous years, if you would like it. I could do with emptying my accounts of some items anyway, but never seem to get round to doing it. If you are looking for any other themes, I can see what I have. Fingers crossed I have finally escaped the clutches of the medical profession, after a brief very nasty scare this week, which luckily turned out to be harmless. I am feeling much relieved about that today. Hugs, netg

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2577432


    Hi @cardmaker22, I’ve sent you the two wizard chairs you wanted plus a wizard table. Unfortunately, although getting all the ones I could each day, I was very short of tea sets as well. Last time they did it a second time so we could collect more items, so hopefully they’ll do it again. I’m sorry I was slow sending them, but unfortunately I slipped on the stairs Monday morning and fell the last couple of steps flat on my face and have been feeling a bit bruised and stiff ever since. Luckily I don’t appear to have done any damage, but I go to the hospital tomorrow to see the consultant to get signed off for my new hip. My son has banned me from using the stairs when he is at work, so I am stuck downstairs away from my usual desk. I hope all is well with you. Hugs, netg

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2576506


    Dear @cardmaker22, I’m so pleased you are enjoying the month of Deluxe. I don’t use them, so I am so happy it is being used and giving you so much joy. I don’t need anything in return. I am also worried about Roxy616, she has always been very kind and generous to me and I hope we will hear from her soon. Much love and hugs, netge

    in reply to: I Need This Item #2576246


    Hi @cardmaker22, I have put my remaining spare one month deluxe membership on your account from today, hopefully you’ve received it ok. It will allow you to do both this month’s deluxe monthly challenge and next month’s. There’s also a deluxe giveaway on Friday. I am now back upstairs in my office area, as I can manage the stairs ok on my own now. I am doing well and back to the hospital next week to get signed off. I hope all is well with you. Hugs, netg