Secret Recipes Archive




Want to make wonderful, delicious Secret Recipes for your pet in your oven, stove, blender or sandwich maker? Try these.


Abracaldo Dabra


Amora Supora


Astormishing Sandwich


Atomicolicious Punch


Beach Sunrise Frappe




Berry Tart


Berribrite Blast


Betwinkled Strumble


Blastop Rocaket


Bluchetta Grillon


Buzzy Blazzurro






Careening Rojodillos


Chocolate Brioche


Chocolate Caramel Mousse


Chocolate Rainbow Waffles




Clothing Recipe: Alpine Hat


Clothing Recipe: Beautiful Blue Ball Gown


Clothing Recipe: Bright Spies Trench Coat


Clothing Recipe: Busy Artist Smock


Clothing Recipe: Detective Cap


Clothing Recipe: Emerald Ski Jacket


Clothing Recipe: Feather Light Shoes


Clothing Recipe: Glass Slippers


Clothing Recipe: Highland Kilt


Clothing Recipe: Highland Jacket And Top


Clothing Recipe: Jolly Jester’s Hat


Clothing Recipe: Nice Neon Swimsuit


Clothing Recipe: Racecar Driver Outfit


Clothing Recipe: Rockin’ Fringe Vest


Clothing Recipe: Rockin’ Neon Shoes


Clothing Recipe: Seaside Sarong


Clothing Recipe: Speedster Cap


Clothing Recipe: Strawberry Hat


Clothing Recipe: Stunning Kimono


Clothing Recipe: Super Funky Hoodie


Clothing Recipe: Sweet Treats Toque


Clothing Recipe: Tabby’s Glasses


Clothing Recipe: Toy Soldier Coat


Clothing Recipe: True North Sweater


Clothing Recipe: Wild Watermelon Shirt


Clothing Recipe: Wizard’s Apprentice Robe


Crystellmata Crisp


Deep Sea Barnacle Bagel


Dreamy Caramel Tart




Farm Fresh Apples: Recipe Revealed!


Flaneur Vasserfreezen


Forsty Benumblex


Freckled Wendaloo


Florbuzzall Buggaburst


Fried Callistorm






Goo-Goo Berry Float 






Jellamazoo Jiggle


Jest the Best Bagel 


Juicy Julep


Kablookie Sandwich


Lovely Lemon Bars


Magimmery Mist






Mega Recipe: Brisked Triflador


Mega Recipe: Crystellmata Crisp


Mega Recipe: Dulcospire


Mega Recipe: Grufflegoop


Mega Recipe: Kinzlet Milanese


Mega Recipe: Pomumitta


Mega Recipe: Roserina Blushini


Mega Recipe: Shoopdeloop Soup


Mega Recipe: Superstinachew


Minty S’Mores




Mushmellow Frosty 


Pizza Sandwich




Polly’s Lovely Lemon Cookie


Pomeadrone Punch








Slippamarink Sandwich




SS Blueberry Bounty


Striped Mellowmallow


Super Chef Secret Recipe: Bootooyoo


Super Chef Recipe: Cascalleau Aquappa


Super Chef Recipe: Cogogumbo


Super Chef Recipe: Entomosoflicky


Super Chef Recipe: Illissivy Elixir


Super Chef Recipe: Kismarkle


Super Chef Recipe: Neigowa Blancetta


Super Chef Secret Recipe: Roasted Royalliario


Sweet N’ Sour Smoothie


Sweet Orchard Cider


Trickle Treacle


Trippple Hot Chocolate




Unidentified Frying Omelet


Vegan Veggie Wrap






Wild Kiwi Sunset






Yummytummy Tumbler


Zazzleloop Soup




119 Responses to Secret Recipes Archive

  1. m879 says:

    Has anyone figured out the clothing recipe for the flying shoes yet?

  2. loveyou1996 says:

    not everything they list that can make these are NOT in webkinz world at all i checked on my account and its not their at all

  3. Bunnny says:

    I don’t like the Moneyz limit of 500 Moneyz a day!!! I was saving up for a 2,500 Moneyz item and I ALMOST GOT THE AMOUNT and then… The limit popped up! I was SO frustrated! Now I have 2,480 Moneyz… I am really frustrated so please fix this! Who agrees with me? I think it should be unlimited Moneyz a day because then it’ll be MORE FUN!!!!

  4. xmy9tailxkinz says:

    Woah! Pure AWESOME!!!! Food!!! PIZZA!!!!!!

  5. kitkat8765 says:

    Is the Neo Gothic Dress a secret recipe item? I’ve been waiting quite a while to see it offered in the curio shop. Yet, I have only seen a couple of the Neo Gothic or Persian items offered since March (since I started playing). Obviously I can’t check every hour 24/7, but it seems like I should get lucky once in a while. I did enjoy making the glass slippers though. :)

  6. goldenrose100 says:

    I know the fire and water sandwich! You need bread, dragon fruit, and watermelon. Made in sandwich maker!!!

  7. orangepandagirl101 says:

    I’d like more clothing recipes!!! please add more!!!

  8. alop59 says:

    Yeah!!! So many I love to cook on Webkinz! Thank you!

  9. bbjbmom says:

    does any one know how to make the fire and water sandwich need in one of the mega recipes????

    • ImaPepper says:

      Hi, bbjbmom–player “barnowl” posted earlier this year that the recipe for fire and water sandwich is: bread, dragonfruit, and watermelon on the sandwich maker. I haven’t tried this out, but it is maybe worth a try. Good luck!

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