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  • in reply to: Next Requests #2441229


    To Anyone Who has a Next Account: Would you please send me (suze01) : 3 Apricots, 3 Candy from candy machine and 3 Cactus Pictures for my sister, niece and nephew to complete their Next Challenge. If you want anything in return, please let me know. Thanks.

    in reply to: Next Requests #2440143


    @Rareone – Would you please send the apricot, a piece of candy and the cactus picture to me for my sister to complete her challenge. Thanks. suze01. We are already friends.

    in reply to: Next Requests #2438767


    I do not have a Webkinz Next account. Would anyone be willing to send me the following items to complete the Next Challenge: apricot, candy from the n3xt arcade candy machine and cactus picture. Let me know what you want in return and I’ll send it to you if I have it. My un in webkinz classic is suze01. Thanks.

    in reply to: Next Requests #2428035


    suze01, ruthie53, bratcat321 and sammygreen301. Thanks. Friends request coming soon.

    in reply to: GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz #1001030


    Why can’t I access “I NEED THIS ITEM” in the trading forum? It’s been since June 14 since I last left a comment and every time I try to access my comment the site sends me to a weird page or says we are down for maintenance, but you are not because I get back in to another section of Trading Forum and get in fine. Please fix this problem as it has been happening to me on and off for several months prior to June 14.

    in reply to: GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz #986217


    Would you please fix the Trading Forum site that says : “I Need This Item”. When I click on it I’m taken to a site that doesn’t make sense. This problem has been going on since about April 21st. Needless to say I have a post on the site which I cannot access to see if I received any answers. I’m not the only one who posts there. Thanks.

    in reply to: GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz #968595


    @Sally Webkinz – Thanks!

    in reply to: GanzWorld & Webkinz Newz #968502


    In Webkinz Newz, Is the Chicken Salad Sandwich prize supposed to be a floaty clicky? If yes, it doesn’t work. If no, how do we get the prize? Please advise. Thanks. suze01

    in reply to: Make Suggestions! #923281


    Ganz, what are you doing with the pages in Trading Forums? I go to post a trade and I’m on page 265 and then an hour later I log back in and I’m on page 65 and another hour goes by and I’m on 265 again and another hour goes by and I’m on page 65 again and another hour goes by and I’m on 265 AGAIN! I’m getting dizzy just typing this. I’m having a hard time trying to find my posts with all the pages being added and taken away on an hourly basis. I will go back 10 pages to see if my post is there and if it isn’t, I will post it again. I see way too many duplicate postings. This is what I PROPOSE you do: ONLY allow the current month postings and put the Current Postings on Page 1 and NOT on the last page like it is already. AND put a drop down box for the page numbers for us to pick what page we want to go to and find our postings. This would save on duplicate postings and we would be able to find our postings faster and answer the members we want to trade with faster too. The old postings you can put into archives and if we want to access the archives we would be able to. Please seriously think about this proposal. Thanks.

    in reply to: Make Suggestions! #915367


    Dear Ganz: I’m not sure what you have planned for the rest of the year for your 10 yr Anniv, but I have a few suggestions. I’ve been a fan since 2009 and I think it would be nice if you gave us a chance to win items prior to 2009. A floaty clicky would be good (The prizes now most of us have and you could give us prior items that we don’t have) Put items in Arte’s Shop. PJ’s Shop, the W Shop where EVERYONE would have a chance to get the items.

    in reply to: Make Suggestions! #914714


    Dear Ganz: I know this is your 10th year. Congrats. I don’t know what you have planned for the rest of the year for celebration but I have a few suggestions. As a fan I didn’t join until 2009, so all your items prior to that time I am missing. It would be nice if you gave us a chance to collect these items as a floaty clicky (the ones now are items we already have; it would be nice to get items we don’t have), put a theme back in the W Shop for a week or in Arte’s Shop, PJ’s Shop or in a challenge or some other way to win these items. It’s very hard to get past items in a trade as some people just tease you and don’t let you have it. Trading is not a good option. Please don’t put all these items in the eStore as I know a lot of users don’t have a deluxe account; it would be more fair if EVERYONE got a chance to get past items.

    in reply to: Free Items From Mom #789299


    I would like to have the Giant Tub of Popcorn, Googly Goggles and the Despicably Blue Jeans. Thanks.

    in reply to: will give valued and rares for rare seeds!!!!!! #771187


    I have Chocolate Kinzcash Coin Seeds. Would you like some? Tell me what you have to trade for them.


    Yes, I would like some free stuff. (user name – suze01) Thanks