Forum Replies Created
I think that we should have more community challenges similar to the one we have now. I remember a few years ago we had community challenges where we would get together to earn a certain number of points in a game and we could track our progress on a page in the newspaper. The tracking aspect made it much more fun because we knew how much we had left which made it easier to ensure that we were doing what was needed to complete the challenge. The current challenge lacks this tracking feature and is based on number of plays which becomes annoying because it incentivizes playing the game poorly instead of trying our best to play the full game as it was intended.
I stink at polar berry jam my high score is 8231. P.S. what’s your highest score in dashing dolphin(mine’s 5720)
Hi if anyone wants to send me one my user is spottyleopard16
ok i won’t be using this anymore probably
It doesn’t have to be super rare it can just be somewhat mildly rare.
Hi my username is spottyleopard16 and one reason I like winter is because of all of the amazing holidays.That is just 1 of the many reasons I love winter.
Probably Poodleline, Limewoof and Emeraldine are the wierdest named pets I have.
I want it.Will you tell me what you want for it? Here are a few things I have : Cocker spaniel bone fridge and a whole bunch of posters.Please feel free to ask for more than one item as I have too many items in my dock.
Might you have a road trip blue hat
Oh and my username is spottyleopard16. Thanks again, Love Doglove ( woof )
Can I maybe have a priceless item or 2. If you could find hypnotic glasses or a swirling leaf tiara Sasha would be super happy. If not I would like almost any rare item, or semi rare clothing. Thanks, Love Doglove ( woof woof )
Hey there, I want a winged tee, clown wig and Pile of persian pillows. Thanks, LOve Doglove (woof )
I would love almost anything that you have, especially if it’s rare . My user is spottyleopard16
Hi, So I was on vacation and I missed the floaty clicky for the blue road trip staff hat.If you have it please let me know. Also if you have it could you maybe get me the red spring sparkle dress. Thanks, Love Doglove ( woof )