Forum Replies Created
@Alphaowlbear I forgot to mention the friend request will be coming from tuesday72093. My daughter has mostly taken over my account that matches my username on here lol.
@Alphaowlbear I just saw your comment, I apologize for responding so late. What can I send you in return for the sally poster? I just sent you a friend request. I saw you need the booth, but I didn’t buy any cookies this year :( Are there any other items you’re looking for?
Hope everyone is having a great new years! I’m looking for the Green Snowy Sleep Cap and the sally webkinz poster (preferably the signed version but regular works too!) I got a bunch of the plum crackers and got a bunch of cute stuff, but no luck getting the hat. Let me know what you’d like in return so I can send something back if you’re willing to trade. <3 Thanks – tuesday72093
Hope everyone is having a great new years! I’m looking for the Green Snowy Sleep Cap and the sally webkinz poster (preferably the signed version but regular works too!) I got a bunch of the plum crackers and got a bunch of cute stuff, but no luck getting the hat. Let me know what you’d like in return so I can send something back if you’re willing to trade. <3 Thanks – tuesday72093
Has anyone got an extra Green Snowy Sleep Cap from the spiced plum crackers to trade? Let me know what you’d trade them for. I have other items from the cracker and wouldn’t mind trading the green cap for multiple items.
@Rocky616 Hey Roxy! Did you mean to send me the amazing fancy frozen columns and vase? (I’m tuesday72093 on webkinz) If so, THANK YOU!! I love them and they look so amazing in my winter wonderland <3 We're calling it my Elsa (from frozen) room now lol. If it was a mistake and you meant to send them to someone else I can send them back. -Tuesday72093
My suggestions are for next. I would like to see more kitchen items and regular beds in seasonal themes/events/passes. I do like the triple bunk bed that came with the pampered pets season, but it doesn’t really match much in terms of current prizes or wshop items (I know some matching items were given out in previous seasons to be fair). It also is so large it restricts my view of other rooms if I don’t place it in the front of a room, or in a back room all together. Maybe i’m just feeling this way because we got 3 fireplaces through the pass, candy cane event and Christmas theme but no matching bed lol. Given that we generally get less rooms in next (but more pets since they can have babies), I feel like it’s important to have a bed for each room theme. The gingerbread one is cute! However, the gingerbread puppy already has a gingerbread bed so I’d have preferred one to match another winter theme personally even if it had cost diamonds. Also, I opened 9 I believe merry mistletoe boxes so far and I find it’s difficult to get the furniture. I wish it wouldn’t award duplicates until you’ve received all the items, but that might just be my bad luck lol. It does seem like previous premium boxes had less clothing and decor items. My second suggestion is I would love to be able to put windows on interior walls. I think these additions would make our rooms feel more “complete” even without having the loads of items classic has to choose from. I do think the items that next releases however are always gorgeous!
My suggestions are for next. I would like to see more kitchen items and regular beds in seasonal themes/events/passes. I do like the triple bunk bed that came with the pampered pets season, but it doesn’t really match much in terms of current prizes or wshop items (I know some matching items were given out in previous seasons to be fair). It also is so large it restricts my view of other rooms if I don’t place it in the front of a room, or in a back room all together. Maybe i’m just feeling this way because we got 3 fireplaces through the pass, candy cane event and Christmas theme but no matching bed lol. Given that we generally get less rooms in next (but more pets since they can have babies), I feel like it’s important to have a bed for each room theme. The gingerbread one is cute! However, the gingerbread puppy already has a gingerbread bed so I’d have preferred one to match another winter theme personally even if it had cost diamonds. Also, I opened 9 I believe merry mistletoe boxes so far and I find it’s difficult to get the furniture. I wish it wouldn’t award duplicates until you’ve received all the items, but that might just be my bad luck lol. It does seem like previous premium boxes had less clothing and decor items. My second suggestion is I would love to be able to put windows on interior walls. I think these additions would make our rooms feel more “complete” even without having the loads of items classic has to choose from. I do think the items that next releases however are always gorgeous! My daughter and I honestly have come to a point where we play next more often than classic, and I’ve played classic since 2006.
In next I would love the ability to isolate a room before taking a photo. As it is, I have stuff for other rooms in the way unless I zoom in so far you can’t see the entire room I’m trying to take a photo of. The camera mode is excellent already, but I think adding this feature would make it easier to show off a specific area. I really don’t like having to take everything out of my other rooms to take a photo since it takes me so long to put everything back in. Unless I’m missing something and there’s an easier way to do this? Thanks!
@Roxy616 I’m so sorry I was just finally able to get the forums to load for me. I wan’t to say THANK YOU soooo much!!! It was incredibly kind of you to not only send the owl lounger and stool, but so many seeds as well. It made my day. My garden is absolutely blooming thanks to you. Your generosity will be appreciated each time I harvest<3 -Tuesday72093
This is so nice of you Roxy! If available could I have an oak dresser and any pack of seeds? I only have two “special” seed packs but I cherish them greatly. If not available, could I have an owl lounger / ottoman? I see your giveaway is very popular so no worries if everything is claimed. Very generous of you, I hope one day I’m able to send you something you need as you’ve done for so many others. We are already friends on Webkinz. (tuesday72093) Thank you so much Roxy!!! <3
This is so nice of you Roxy! If available could I have an oak dresser and any pack of seeds? I only have two “special” seed packs but I cherish them greatly :) If not available, could I have an owl lounger / ottoman? I see your giveaway is very popular so no worries if everything is claimed. Very generous of you, I hope one day I’m able to send you something you need as you’ve done for so many others. We are already friends on Webkinz. (tuesday72093)
Hello, after a long break I’m back to playing again (I didn’t have a pc for a while). I have an incomplete room driving me a little crazy lol. I’m looking to trade for a cozy condo tub. Unfortunately, I missed the challenge for it way back. I know it’s a long shot, but I’m willing to trade anything I have for it. Hope everyone is having a great day! ~tuesday72093 on webkinz
Hi Ganz, I just want to make a few suggestions. I believe an overwhelming majority of your player base are adults and teens (who obviously would have their own phones). As times have progressed focus shifted off the desktop and towards the smart phone. I think one of the reasons might be because this keeps people playing and, more importantly, thinking about the game even when they are not home by their computer, and talking to others about the game when they are out and about. While I think the progress of the webkinz mobile app has been amazing, I think it could be even better. So my suggestion would be to maybe focus less on events (I’m starting to get burnt out from doing 4-5 events everyday and collecting all the new estore items, to the point of it feeling like work, and it would be nice to enjoy playing just the base game for a while with maybe a chance of getting a special floaty clicky here and there) at least for a bit and focus on the mobile site for a while. Especially with flash support discontinuing, a lot of players who can’t download the desktop app
I’ve had the same issue. It’ll eventually get fixed then a few months later come back. I wonder why it happens.