Item Gallery Archive


Big item collector? Looking for something in particular? Check out these item galleries!


Berry Festival Berries


Chocolate Collection


Christmas Gift Boxes


Christmas Trees


Exclusive Items & Superbeds


Flower Collection


Growing Garden Seeds


Hooray for Hot Chocolate




Mr. Moo’s Ice Cream




Sensational Snowmen


Soda Cans


Sports Outfits


Spring Celebration Baskets




Super Surprise Boxes


Toadstool Theme ItemsĀ 


Ultimate Collector’s Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Pet Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Retired Exclusive Items!


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Trophies


Valentine’s Day Gifts


Webkinz Day Gift Boxes and Trophies


Winterfest Prizes




48 Responses to Item Gallery Archive

  1. fanofweirdal375 says:

    i wish i had a pool like one of those except for the ones at the wshop. could someone PLEASE send me one to a2tytot! i will give a special prize back! THANKS!

  2. Michelle08 says:

    The Designer Inground pool is AMAZING!

  3. Penguingirl888 says:

    OMG I have the renjuvenationg rainbow pool and I never realized

  4. cupcakelover2002 says:

    Isn’t that you would want? You always want your pet to be 100% healthy!

  5. samdansmith says:

    What about the turtle webkinz pool for the 2013 webkinz day?

  6. strawberrybubbles says:

    if somebody has an extra cliff dive pool please send it to my webkinz account strawberrybubbles and i will send exclusives in return :-)

  7. puppypower04 says:

    OMG they forgot the Signature Portuguese Water Dog psi! its a pool! you can swim in it!

  8. moon678 says:

    OMG! How do you get a swimming pool???!!!!

  9. sally3316 says:

    hmm how do you get these??????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! PLEASE:)

  10. prprprprp says:

    Speaking of these, does anyone have a Fancy Tea Service and Stone Elephant Statue for trade? I would love to trade with them if they do! I’ve been wanting them for a while, anyway, off to read the rest of the articles! :)

    • prprprprp says:

      Ok, anyone have WZ Jeans, Hockey Skates, Baseball Hat, Toy Tool Belt, or Figure Skates? Please trade with me if you do! I would like those as well, I am going to look at the other stuff now though, but I really hope someone is willing to give me those items!!! :) Please, if you’ll just give it, I’m pupcakes88, let’s meet in the trading forum otherwise or something! :)

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