Item Gallery Archive


Big item collector? Looking for something in particular? Check out these item galleries!


Berry Festival Berries


Chocolate Collection


Christmas Gift Boxes


Christmas Trees


Exclusive Items & Superbeds


Flower Collection


Growing Garden Seeds


Hooray for Hot Chocolate




Mr. Moo’s Ice Cream




Sensational Snowmen


Soda Cans


Sports Outfits


Spring Celebration Baskets




Super Surprise Boxes


Toadstool Theme ItemsĀ 


Ultimate Collector’s Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Pet Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Retired Exclusive Items!


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Trophies


Valentine’s Day Gifts


Webkinz Day Gift Boxes and Trophies


Winterfest Prizes




48 Responses to Item Gallery Archive

  1. MyLittlePony2010EG13 says:

    I want these!

  2. foxmillionair says:

    I love the rainbow pool it looks so cool

  3. PeachyPuppiesMC says:

    I actually have Oak Pool ;0 Heh heh heh…

  4. Animalcarer112 says:

    My account name is Animalcarer101 thank you

  5. dwtsfan says:

    i love the pools

  6. elreyleon4 says:

    I have the mysterious pool

  7. chocolateprincess357 says:

    Oh My Gosh! I love these pools!

  8. webster37 says:

    Love to have the Campkinz pool or Championship pool. Anyone have extra and don’t need it?

  9. rocohoneypie says:

    oh wait i have the the inground lap pool and the oak paneled pool. ha ha i didn’t notice that until after i said “i wish i some of them” XD

  10. rocohoneypie says:

    wow all those pools look amazing! i wish i had some

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