Item Gallery Archive


Big item collector? Looking for something in particular? Check out these item galleries!


Berry Festival Berries


Chocolate Collection


Christmas Gift Boxes


Christmas Trees


Exclusive Items & Superbeds


Flower Collection


Growing Garden Seeds


Hooray for Hot Chocolate




Mr. Moo’s Ice Cream




Sensational Snowmen


Soda Cans


Sports Outfits


Spring Celebration Baskets




Super Surprise Boxes


Toadstool Theme ItemsĀ 


Ultimate Collector’s Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Pet Items


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Retired Exclusive Items!


Ultimate Collector’s Items: Trophies


Valentine’s Day Gifts


Webkinz Day Gift Boxes and Trophies


Winterfest Prizes




48 Responses to Item Gallery Archive

  1. ashyreese says:

    It’d be cool to have a car collection that maybe you could customize

  2. suzeedee9648 says:

    I would like to see the snowglobe colle

  3. Bffamfs4eva says:

    so many things i want!!

  4. emily1040 says:

    is there any way to receive a campkinz pool? I always wish for it on wish of the day. It eludes me..

  5. cclgiggles01 says:

    When are you going to show the birthstone lights for each month? I know I am missing one but cannot figure out which month it is?

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